@DonkeyInvestor Thank you very much for this more than detailed and above all understandable article.
Your elaboration really helps me to look at the topic in a more "professional" way.
I'll tell it like it is. I started without a specific goal and unfortunately I realize that wasn't so clever. A clear focus is important in business and should be in private life too.
The first impulse for me was... I'll just take the plunge and tackle the issue.
In any case, I now have plenty of time over the holidays to organize everything for myself personally. Otherwise, it's quite difficult, as I hardly have any time like @Buy_cheap_sell_never because I'm very busy at work.
So, chapeau and thank you 🙏
Greetings Daniel
Your elaboration really helps me to look at the topic in a more "professional" way.
I'll tell it like it is. I started without a specific goal and unfortunately I realize that wasn't so clever. A clear focus is important in business and should be in private life too.
The first impulse for me was... I'll just take the plunge and tackle the issue.
In any case, I now have plenty of time over the holidays to organize everything for myself personally. Otherwise, it's quite difficult, as I hardly have any time like @Buy_cheap_sell_never because I'm very busy at work.
So, chapeau and thank you 🙏
Greetings Daniel
•@Bidax Good luck!
@DonkeyInvestor Thank you very much! 😊