
Dear Quins,

Some of you have asked me to present the GTAA strategy that I often mention. I would like to try this now. Since the topic is a bit more extensive, I will leave it here with an overview explanation without detailed evidence and statistics. But if you are interested, I can write more articles about the different aspects later.

1. what is GTAA?

2. what are the asset classes?

3. what is the investment strategy?

4. what are the results?

5. what are the advantages and disadvantages?

6. conclusion

7. links

1. what is GTAA?

GTAA stands for Global Tactical Asset Allocation and was developed, among others, by the US fund manager Meb Faber in extensive quantitative studies (Links). I would classify this strategy as follows in the universally known:

The easiest way to invest in the capital market today is to buy individual stocks. The chances are high, the risks in the end also: Management mistakes, politics, disruptions, misvaluations (e.g. General Electric). For all the risks you can possibly get a decent premium, unfortunately you usually only know afterwards or you have to put an incredible amount of work into it.

In order to reduce the risks and the effort, you can buy several stocks that balance each other out or you can buy an index fund (e.g. S&P500). One goes, so to speak, one dimension higher, from point (= single stock) to line (= quasi infinite points). With index funds, however, one has not yet completely eliminated the risks: Mispricing, bear markets, political interventions are always possible (e.g. Ukraine).

So you can add another dimension (area) to your investment and spread the risk over different indices and countries (e.g. 50% USA, 30% EU, 20% EM). Stocks continue to form the basis, but no longer play a role in detail. However, there are always phases when all stock markets rise or fall (e.g. global financial crises 1929, 2009).

If one also wants to reduce this risk of the entire asset class of stocks, one has to go up another dimension and diversify across different asset classes, such as bonds, commodities, real estate, precious metals (e.g. Classic 60%stocks - 40%bonds portfolio, Ray Dalio's all-weather portfolio or Meb Faber's Global Asset Allocation). Thus, the space(!) of the classic (ETF) asset classes is measured out. These portfolios can significantly mitigate risk and volatility because the asset classes balance each other out. The downside, however, is that they also offset each other's gains, i.e. the expected return falls below the return of the index funds in the long run (2-5%pa risk premium).

This is the level and problem that GTAA addresses. The goal is to achieve the high returns of equity markets over the long term with the low risk and volatility of global multi-asset portfolios. To achieve this, the strategy adds another dimension to asset classes: time. So instead of permanently holding a once fixed allocation of asset classes, the risk should be spread over the different times. This means that, if possible, investments should always be made in the class that is currently on the rise (momentum), e.g. instead of permanently holding 60% equities and 40% bonds, 60% of the time fully equities and 40% of the time bonds are now held (roughly in this ratio the respective outperformance times are divided over the last 100 years, which is also the deeper reason for the classic, static 60-40 portfolio). GTAA now refers to a strategy approach that attempts to be invested in the strongest asset classes in the world at any given time through a clever combination of different asset classes and market timing models. (To further improve the risk-reward profile of GTAA, one can go one dimension higher. I already have an approach, but to develop it further myself, I still lack the appropriate knowledge and data).

So much for the basic idea. If you have read this far and are still interested, you are welcome to read on how to implement the whole thing.

2 What are the asset classes?

In the implementation, I follow the KISS principle (Keep It Simple, Stupid). GTAA should be as easy to follow as possible, customizable and low maintenance. Once the strategy is in place, 5 minutes of effort per month should be enough. Money is for life, not the other way around!

The first step is to find different asset classes that will later comprise the individual investment universe. This selection should be done very carefully and meet several conditions:

a) Overall, they should cover all asset classes and the entire world as far as possible (market diversification!).

b) The asset classes should be as uncorrelated as possible (risk diversification!).

c) The asset classes should be represented with the largest possible, liquid, low-cost ETFs (tradability!).

d) The asset class should ideally move historically in long, stable trends (timeability!).

Depending on the individual profile, this can be more or less ETFs. The simplest version is a "universe" of three ETFs: equity ETF, bond ETF, real assets ETF. More complex versions would split the classes into different markets with as little correlation as possible, e.g. equities: US, EU, EM, SEA, or even: tech, energy, healthcare, consumer, real estate, etc.... Likewise with bonds and real assets. Cryptos can also be added if needed. Meb Faber suggests 5 classes for the simplest variant (US equities, Rest of World equities, US bonds, US REITs, commodities), but also discusses further differentiated variants with up to 13 classes (link).

In my own research, however, I have found that more assets by no means always lead to a better total return. Decisive are trend strength and uncorrelatedness.

3. what is the investment strategy?

Once the individual investment universe, the global asset allocation, is determined, the "tactical" element follows: timing. There are fundamental timing strategies (interest rate indicators, intermarket analysis, etc.) and technical ones (Elliot waves, trend lines, etc.), but many of them are not very successful in the long run. In my opinion, the so-called "Dual Momentum", developed in 2011 by Gary Antonacci, is an exception.

"Dual Momentum" takes into account both absolute momentum of an asset against itself and relative momentum of an asset against others. This strategy can be applied to all sorts of asset classes and shows significant risk-reward advantages over simple B&H or market timing over the long term. Therefore, I think it makes sense to apply it to global asset allocation as well. This means: each asset is tested to see if it rises and if so, whether it rises more than the other assets in the individual investment universe. If the answer is positive in both cases, it is bought, otherwise it is sold. The specific parameters can be defined individually and should always be checked in backtests to see whether they achieve the above-mentioned goal (equity return with bond risk).

For simplicity, I have chosen an example with three classic asset classes and the following rules (link below):

(a) The investment universe consists of S&P500, Global Bonds and Gold.

b) The asset class that is bought or held is the one that has the highest sum of 3 and 12 month performance (strongest relative momentum) and at the same time trades above the 200 day average (positive absolute momentum). If no asset class is trading above the 200-day average, cash is held.

c) Trading takes place once at the end of the month. No stop loss.

4) What are the results?

The benchmark S&P500 index has increased almost 15-fold or 10.0% p.a. since 1995 with a maximum drawdown of 51.0% (Sharpe Ratio: 0.56). See chart below.

Over the same period, the GTAA portfolio increased almost 24-fold or 11.9% p.a. with a maxDD of 23.4% (Sharpe Ratio: 0.76).

So the GTAA portfolio outperformed the S&P500 by more than 50% at less than 50% of the risk!

The performance curve is much flatter, i.e. less volatile. Of course, the whole thing can be further improved with other asset classes, other parameters (with me up to almost 20%pa at 20% maxDD since 2002 - you may search yourself!). But to illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of GTAA, the simple example is enough.

5. what are the advantages and disadvantages?


Emotionlessness: signals are delivered clearly, there is no influence of emotions on trading decisions. The low fluctuations of the portfolio facilitate stress-free implementation and concentration on more meaningful things in life.

Independence: The portfolio develops largely independently of the stock markets (market correlation: 0.43). The more even performance lowers the return sequence risk and enables better financial life planning. E.g., the lowered risk allows a much higher withdrawal rate at chapter preservation and thus financial freedom is much more achievable.

Simplicity: The strategy is comparatively simple and time-saving to implement. In the example, a whole 96 trading signals have been generated since 1995, i.e. on average about one signal per quarter. A check of the signal situation at the end of a month costs about 5min. The implementation in the form of a savings plan is easily possible.

Flexibility: The strategy can be adapted and optimized according to individual ideas, e.g. by further differentiating the asset classes or including favorite stocks, theme ETFs or alternative assets (Bitcoin). A variant pretty with the popular core-satellite strategy is also available! Likewise, the number of asset classes held in each case can be freely selected, e.g. instead of Top1, also Top2 or Top3. GTAA can also be combined with existing strategies, as an asset and risk control mechanism. Or it can be used as diversification of existing strategies (B&H, dividends, core-satellite...).


Social stress risk: there are prolonged periods of underperformance against the stock markets (in the example: two 5-year periods of 0% performance). Sticking with the strategy while everyone else is celebrating jubilant stock markets and not understanding what you are doing can be psychologically difficult.

Naivety risk: understanding the strategy and building it individually takes time and (basic) knowledge of asset classes, correlation analysis, statistics, etc. If you don't understand what GTAA can and cannot do, it's better to avoid it. A negative example are the wikifolios that simply blindly replicated Faber's GTAA approach, which is optimized for the US markets, and naively make modifications after poor performance that only make things worse in the backtest. Flip side: the complexity of building a GTAA portfolio combined with the simplicity of its implementation makes the strategy unattractive to professionals and laymen alike. Eventually there will be an ETF that implements GTAA, but that will take time.

Overfitting risk: when backtesting with the selected asset classes, there is a risk that the individual strategy will stop working just when it has reached its optimum. This risk can be minimized with correlation analyses, robustness tests and market knowledge, but it is probably not completely eliminable - as with any systematic strategy.

Taxes: In the example above, there is one signal per quarter, or about 4 complete shifts per year. Fortunately, trading costs are negligible nowadays and the big winners usually stay longer in the portfolio (up to 27 months in the example). But the relatively frequent sales with smaller gains and subsequent final withholding tax may well weigh on the overall performance. In my opinion, this problem can best be solved by a tax- and trading cost-free shell (e.g. Wikifolio or a favorable net policy) which, however, costs 0.2%-0.4% p.a.. Whether it is worthwhile, you have to calculate individually.

6. conclusion

GTAA has clear advantages over simple B&H strategies (higher returns, less risk). Whether these advantages outweigh the aforementioned disadvantages, which are more psychological and fiscal in nature, is something everyone must decide for themselves. In any case, studying this strategy significantly broadens one's view of financial markets and investment strategies.

Want to learn more about GTAA and its variants? Just ask in the comments. I can then address common or difficult questions in detail in further posts.

7. links

- Meb Faber on Global Asset Allocation: https://mebfaber.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/GAA-Book-1.pdf

- Meb Faber on GTAA: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=962461

- Online Summary: https://www.finanzen100.de/finanznachrichten/boerse/multi-asset-timing-bringt-renditen-in-jeder-marktlage_H1331807279_10980735/

- Model Backtests: https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com/test-market-timing-model

- Example model: https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com/test-market-timing-model?s=y&coreSatellite=false&timingModel=4&timePeriod=4&startYear=1989&firstMonth=1&endYear=2023&lastMonth=12&calendarAligned=true&includeYTD=false&initialAmount=10000&periodicAdjustment=0&adjustmentAmount=1000&inflationAdjusted=true&adjustmentPercentage=0.0&adjustmentFrequency=2&symbols=SPY+LSGBX+%5EGOLD&singleAbsoluteMomentum=false&volatilityTarget=9.0&downsideVolatility=false&outOfMarketStartMonth=5&outOfMarketEndMonth=10&outOfMarketAssetType=1&outOfMarketAsset=VFISX&movingAverageSignal=1&movingAverageType=1&multipleTimingPeriods=true&periodWeighting=2&windowSize=3&windowSizeInDays=105&movingAverageType2=1&windowSize2=10&windowSizeInDays2=105&excludePreviousMonth=false&normalizeReturns=true&volatilityWindowSize=0&volatilityWindowSizeInDays=0&assetsToHold=1&allocationWeights=1&riskControlType=1&riskWindowSize=10&riskWindowSizeInDays=0&stopLossMode=0&stopLossThreshold=2.0&stopLossAssetType=1&rebalancePeriod=1&separateSignalAsset=false&tradeExecution=0&leverageType=0&leverageRatio=0.0&debtAmount=0&debtInterest=0.0&maintenanceMargin=25.0&leveragedBenchmark=false&comparedAllocation=-1&benchmark=VFINX&timingPeriods%5B0%5D=3&timingUnits%5B0%5D=2&timingWeights%5B0%5D=50&timingPeriods%5B1%5D=12&timingUnits%5B1%5D=2&timingWeights%5B1%5D=50&timingUnits%5B2%5D=2&timingUnits%5B3%5D=2&timingUnits%5B4%5D=2&volatilityPeriodUnit=2&volatilityPeriodWeight=0


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Do you drive the strategy yourself? Sounds honestly quite interesting. And I mean, the S&P500 outzuperformen one or an index must also first create! 👍🏻 In any case, a big thank you for writing your Ausführmgen from me. I will read through again tomorrow when I'm asleep ✌🏻
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@SquirrelPilot I'm glad if this article makes you think. Yes, I also use this strategy myself. I find it compelling and exciting. I am implementing it in two versions, a simple one through my pension shell and a more complex one through TR. Both do not have a large share of the total portfolio at the moment (about 20%), but my savings rate goes completely into it. The plan is to save towards the target of about 50% GTAA in the end and get into the system. Depending on how it goes, that should take another 3 years or so. If my interpretation of the strategy performs like it has over the last 20 years, I won't have to work in 12 years. That's something too!
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You, that sounds like a very reasonable plan and a really good prospect!
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After I asked if you present the strategy, I'm late for work now, because I had to read it necessarily still 🤓 Top post 👍🏽 and very interesting approach that is followed with the signals at the end of the month
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@DividendenSchwabe Sorry for the distraction. 😁 Trading at the turn of the month is a possible variant. It also go weekly, quarterly or at signal. Can and should you try to backtest everything as well as understand the results. I favor monthly change because 1. money comes in monthly, 2. the RV allows only one regrouping in the month, 3. the performance with the monthly variant is robustly good, 4. the monthly variant is overall very relaxed and I have to pull through the many years.
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Great contribution! Super Understandable. I like the approach of the objective approach, but I would probably break the neck of the psychological effects, as you have written in the underperformance. Then you can no longer simply trust "the market" according to "Oh my world ETF will already rise again", but you have to question yourself, and at the beginning over several years. Here's to a @ccf 🚀
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@Fabzy Thank you! 😊 I agree with you. Psychology is probably the biggest hurdle with this strategy. That's my concern too, that I won't follow through with it. For reasons I don't even know yet. It's not for nothing that a lot of Meb Faber's podcasts revolve around this topic. There are studies that show that investors prefer to abandon a strategy exactly when it reaches its low point. He has also launched his own etf (TRTY) that addresses this problem, in which he implements 50% GAA B+H and 50% GTAA. Objectively, it's not doing so great, but the psychology! 😅
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Thank you very much for this article and a big fat @ccf! Don't have time right now, but will surely come back to it later.
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@randomdude Thank you, I am curious. There are still many aspects to be discussed (asset allocation, risk control, implementation).
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Yes, maybe I can contribute a bit, but it's more of a field report where I also try to address your points. But first: Hats off, excellent written contribution. You really went deep into it and built up a tremendous amount of knowledge. I first heard about GTAA 1.5 years ago and have been into it ever since. First I read "The Ivy Portfolio" by Meb Faber (just google it, give it a free download pdf). Very well written and easy to understand. I also enjoyed watching an interview or two with him (youtube). He's a fundamentally likeable guy, more surfer than banker, who doesn't want to sell you anything, but encourages you to think for yourself. After that I did several backtests (preparation in Excel, implementation in Portfolio Performance). Very time-consuming, but enormously instructive. Although I work a lot with numbers in my job, it was something completely different to become at home in the world of price charts. In the fall of '22 I started to implement my strategy (50% Dividend Growth ETFs, 50% GTAA with 7 ETFs, see here https://getqu.in/GA9WUFZ8LYU7/er5S5CSA5C/) and so far I am very satisfied. What were my learnings? basically: 1. don't expect too much. and 2. know what you are doing. What do I mean by that? Faber and the publications based on it (e.g. the linked finanzen100.de text) suggested to me that it is easy to achieve returns of +12%. Yes, even in the Portfolio Visualizer backtests you can do that. However, with my own calculations for the last few years, I have not been able to replicate it, nor do I stress myself with an unrealistic (from my point of view) expectation. For me the crucial thing in the backtest was to see how the Corona and Ukraine drawdowns were reliably ironed out and that with market-driven price increases in bullish phases. I have about 12 years left for wealth accumulation and assume that I will reach my goal mainly through deposits and less through compound interest. But what I still don't need is a phase like between 2002 and 2009, when I am fully invested in stocks. Therefore, I have designed my GTAA variant rather relaxed and hedged: I am invested in 3 assets (if with positive momentum) and refer to the price increase of the last 3 and 6 months. This was not necessarily the model with the best return in Portfolio Visualizer, but I was able to develop a good understanding of how my model behaves in which situation based on the market development of the last years. And I'm totally satisfied when it returns around 6% after taxes. I have narrowed down my investment universe a bit after the last discussions here and now have 7 assets: NASDAQ 100, Eurozone Small Caps, Emerging Markets, Aggregated Bonds, Commodities, Gold, Money Market/Day Money. Risk control such as monitoring against the 100 or 200 day line and selling before the turn of the month if necessary does nothing after all that Faber has tested and that I have tracked in Portfolio Visualizer and by watching the market. By the way, I track the monthly closing prices with Excel (coming from XETRA) and trade on the first of the month at smartbroker. It has been quite an arduous journey up to here, but it has been fun and I expect it to be worth it. Anything to trade, what you do not understand and can not understand, is in any case not recommended.
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@randomdude A big thank you for your experience report! I find a super important addition to the sometimes quite abstract strategy explanation. My first contact with GTAA was also about 1.5 years ago. But it wasn't until about 6 months ago that the need to reorganize my finances arose, as the family income had increased to the point where financial freedom seemed realistic. So that was the challenge: save for 12 years and constantly approx.10% pa. and my family is financially free. Essential to this is consistency of return. I am a fan of the Gebert indicator, which has achieved approx. 15% pa since 1996 - 2020. Unfortunately, the indicator has lost its reliability badly in recent years. So I remembered Faber's GTAA and delved into it. I fully agree with you, one should understand GTAA as a process. With every step new questions and perspectives open up, so you have to keep learning. Right now I am trying to find a way to deal with the fact that the top momentum assets sometimes change positions back and forth within a few hours. This challenges my idea ,just before the turn of the month to optimize the specific entry with chart technique. That you are not hunting for the highest performing combo, but have picked out the right one for you, I think is exactly right! I also had a good combo with gold, but since a larger part of my investments already consist in it, I have in GTAA because of the danger of overweighting renounced. Here, everyone has to pick the right one for himself. Only if you feel comfortable with your asset combo, you can get through the stress when it does not go so. Overall, I am still in the beginning in the implementation. I find the performance since my start at the beginning of Feb okay, but I have not yet achieved a significant excess return. But based on my backtests and the long-term studies of Faber and Co, I see the statistics on my side, so that I can now look calmly on the coming stock market years. I wish us and all who give GTAA a chance, much success on this exciting journey!
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@Epi Maybe getquin will still be around in twelve years and we can do the ultimate review here 😎
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Super written @ccf
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@Chefkoch256 Thank you!
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Beautiful contribution @ccf
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@Koenigmidas Thank you!
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Brilliant post! 🙌
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Excellent post, I'm super interested in doing some research into this
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@000 Thank you! Feel free to report if you have discovered something interesting. 👍
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@Epi Something I'm considering is having many unrelated asset classes (10+), then for each asset class with positive relative (3 months) and absolute (12 months) momentums, we take product of both the momentums, compare with the product of other positive asset classes, then assign a percentage proportional to the sum of the products.
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@000 Sounds a bit complicated. What is the idea behind the calculation? Normally the performances of the time periods are simply added up, if necessary normalized before. As already said in the article, I like it simple. Since GTAA is not easy to understand in detail anyway, I would not add unnecessary complexity at this point. My goal is a model that trades common ETFs 1x per month and makes 20%pa at 10-15% max drawdown in backtest since 2001. I'm close, but haven't made it yet (19.1% at 19% maxDD). How far does your proposal get in the backtest?
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@000 Your assumption of choosing 10 uncorrelated asset classes sounds good. And I would be very grateful if you could name them briefly. I have searched and tried a lot, but there are just not many uncorrelated classes. Stocks among themselves are correlated like 0.6-1, Treasuries depending on maturity -0.2-0.4, Commodities, Corp Bonds, Reits and Crypto are more correlated with stocks. The only asset that is uncorrelated to almost everything else is gold. Finding 10 uncorrelated asset classes here is really not easy!
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@Epi I agree, my proposal is just a hypothetical currently, however I'm interested in learning more about your approach. Are you investing in the 3 ETFs you used for your backtest? I am curious to learn more about why you chose LSGBX and ^GOLD specifically. The issue with backtesting is that past performance doesn't dictate future performance, and there are many combinations that outperform SPY, but are not as diversified. Additionally, different time frames for momentum and proportions significantly changes performance, which makes the strategy not very robust, in my opinion.
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@000 Thanks for the suggestions! I am investing in a different allocation. The example was just for illustration and a starting point for my own research. why LSGBX and gold? Both are highly correlated with world bonds and commodities respectively (around 0.9 I think) and the data series is long enough for a decent backtest. Instead of SPY, I would have preferred an AllWorldETF, but they only go back to 2005 or so. I would like to see how a model performs in the 2000s and 2008 crash, though. You raise an important and difficult point with robustness. There are some high performing models, but they crash dramatically with the smallest variations in the time series. These fall out for me. I want a model that can handle smaller variations well. Example: the model mentioned in the post is not very robust over the momentum periods. This is usually the case if you only take a few periods. On the other hand, the combos 1-3-6-12months and from top 2 are quite stable. To discard the strategy as a whole as not very robust if one model interpretation is unstable, I think is premature. You have to do some searching and research. Also in terms of content - i.e. why some combos work well and some don't - and then find a model interpretation. Difficult but exciting.
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@Epi I greatly appreciate your insight. I've read your other comments on this post and learned a lot. One thing I'm struggling to comprehend is allocating portfolio 100% of asset class with best sum of momentums, instead of proportionally allocating based on sum. Can you elaborate on the logic behind this?
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@000 Hmm, I think the idea is simple: always invest in the asset with the strongest positive momentum. You can also take the top 2 or 3, which has a positive effect on the Sharpe ratio with more asset classes (>4). I find your idea of making the allocation proportional to the momentum totals very interesting. Consequently, you would also have to short if the momentum total is negative - which unfortunately (or fortunately) is not easy in Germany. Indirectly one could do this by including ShortEFs in the allocation, but my models have never done better with these, rather they have collapsed dramatically. Otherwise, your idea could create a whole new timing model, namely if the asset allocation constantly adjusts, not just once a month, but daily or weekly. But that would have to be done by a robot, I don't have that much time. At the moment, the trading costs are probably still too high. Maybe this is the future of investing, but your idea should be tested. Intuitively I find it convincing. Do you have an idea how this could be done with manageable effort?
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Thank you
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@Epi yes understand you absolutely. But a direct alternative to the STOXX the similar values depicted I just do not find just like EM you can possibly choose instead small capitals, but there I would be rather averse from
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Do you know this blog? It has dealt with this in quite some detail: https://investingforaliving.us/
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@derphux I do not know this blog yet. I will have a look at it. Thanks for the tip! 👍
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do you want to tell how you build your current GTAA strategy, i.e. which ETFs, which momentum model etc.? why do you currently split the strategy into TR and net policy and why once simple and once complex?
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@theflyingsquirrel Telling my division is of little use if you do not understand how it comes about and why and not all the possible alternatives. It is also not yet final in part. Bonds are more complicated. There it seems to me better to give a simple example and a guidance, how one can optimize oneself. Fishing instead of fish - you know. About the RV I drive the simple variant, because there the ETF selection is not so large. In the back calculation it doesn't matter. Via TR I'm also trying to integrate bitcoin, but I need stronger risk management for that. Makes things a bit more complex.
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@Epi ah okay yes you are right. would also be very happy about more articles on the subject. Can you give a tutorial please, so here or as another article, how you can read in better yourself, so that you can, as you say, find out his strategy exactly and also understand the individual subtleties of the strategy and how their performance comes about? what do you think of cash as an asset class and as integration into the strategy, there you can now even put 2% p.a. in relative momentum. And what about cash as an asset class in absolute momentum with or without SMA200 integration. What do you think about my idea that if you do SMA200, you should set the line 2% higher, because with SMA200 you check whether you now choose the asset or cash. If the asset is exactly on the SMA200, the momentum is 0 and therefore worse than 2% p.a. cash. Your opinion on this or ever thought about it?
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@theflyingsquirrel Your suggestion to address the concrete implementation and the corresponding trade-offs is noted. Thank you. I consider cash to be an important asset class, which is also very tactical in some cases. I therefore simply send a money market ETF $DBXT into the race with all other assets. If it falls into the MomentumTOP with 3%pa, it will be bought. I think this also avoids the complicated variant, SMA +2%. (The momentum is not 0, by the way, if the price is on the SMA, provided that the SMA itself has a Mom unequal 0. Mom in GTAA is simply the percentage difference from today to 1,3,6 or 12 months ago) My current thoughts: After I threw out US Treasuries because of the too high correlation to EU Bonds, I am currently considering whether short term bonds denominated in $ are a reasonable alternative. It essentially gives you $ exposure. Understanding the impact of falling $ rates on short-dated bonds is something we will have to do in the coming days and weeks. Provided there is a reinforcing effect (flight from dollars = falling shorts), I would seriously consider integrating it into GTAA. The main thing is clear trends! 😁
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from which countries are the short term bonds in dollars? yes the low correlation is mega important, that's why i'm thinking about adding a msci world ex emu to my system instead of msci world etf, as this will reduce the correlation to the emu small cap. how are you trying to understand the dollar effect on this, so what sources are you working with?
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find the em bond from ishares jp morgan in dollar also mega interesting
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Thanks for the suggestion with the overnight rate swap, cash simply to compare as an asset with the other assets would also go, would have just then no trading fees to buy / sell the overnight swap, but are just 2%pa and in the insurance shell you get on cash no interest. :/
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the overnight would also have to be checked for SMA yet, right?
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How do you actually stand on the subject of currencies and currency hedging with GTAA, so when does it make sense to take in euros, when in dollars, or always best in the same currency everything? How do you implement the 50% B&H strategy? I would take the Msci acwi imi or the esg global all cap or ftse all-world. So as broad and simple as possible. Are you positioned differently there or the same? Happy Easter and thanks for your effort! 😊
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That means you have implemented cash directly via the overnight swap and indirectly via the SMA 200 hurdle. However, the overnight swap never provides 100% for the top 3 strategy, but only 33% if it makes it into the top 3. Cash, on the other hand, can get 100% over the SMA200 hurdle. How is that in the bond shell? If the top 3 fail in whole or in part at the SMA200, the nettopolice then holds cash at 0%pa or should they then also buy the overnight?
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Wow...awesome post, keep it up
Very impressive!!!!
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I do not understand the tool Portfolio Visualizer! Why does the benchmark change when I change the parameters of the strategy? If I take your example link, I end up with the benchmark (Vangard 500 Index) at 148 TEur. If I only change the 2nd time period from 12 to 24 months, the benchmark ends up at "only" 107TEur ... What am I missing here?
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@sNIKE I'll check it out.
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@sNIKE I have now looked at it. The effect is due to the fact that with an X-month time period, the model can only start calculating X months after the first available data. I.e. with the 24Mon model it starts 12 months later than with the 12 months model. The whole thing is displayed above the expansion as "Model Simulation Results (Jan 1995 - Mar 2023)".
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Is it possible to start with small amounts? Which tool do you use to view the 200 line?
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I don't know that there is a lower limit in principle. However, the trading costs should not affect the return. Per position it should be then probably min. so 500€. I believe, with Zero is free of charge from then on. I map the averages with Portfolio Performance. Cool program.
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Understand yes, but from what contribution makes sense? So that the transaction costs do not exceed the profit? Yes do me just hard to find now ETFs exactly, have there still a tip?
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Yes, I agree with you. First of all I want to build up something. Save capital and then just look at some point. So currently I still have 600€ liquid in my portfolio. Wanted to consider at least one more etf first to jump. What would be for you so typical growth etfs?
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The growth ETF par excellence is probably $ARKK. But this also shows that growth in companies does not necessarily mean growth in share prices. 😅
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Interesting to me is (Defensive) Eurocentric Quantity Proven Industries Portfolio (Offensive) Oskar 80 Morningstar Simple Or do you find them all rather dumb?
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What I also noticed is that the 40-30-30 strategy compared to the All World ETF but not so well performant has, could not one then theoretically everything in the etf hauen, if this eh better performant. A disadvantage would certainly be that one could then make no own weighting of the regions
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Can unfortunately only see so from 2018 and fanning continuously the all world above strategy
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Tell me, have you ever backtested the model for different time periods (the last 5, 10, 20 years etc) or is there more to find on the web ?
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Have again 2 questions about the model and the theory 1. if I instead of the 3 and 12 month performance the 1, 3 and 6 month performance evaluated, you would still add the 200 SMA or choose a say 90 day SMA or similar? 2. does the model or comparable Dual Momenrum strategies also if one is representative of the individual. Asset classes / industries, sectors if it is possible, individual stocks instead of ETFs takes? Have you read anything about this or how do you assess this.
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Okay: IMF, SPY and QQQ track the same stocks, QQQ is enough. VUSTX and TIP is also the same, one is enough. DBC instead of GSG goes back longer. So it should get a little better. The next step could be to look at sector ETFs. They only make half sense in the world portfolio. 😁
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Very well written and very interesting topic! @ccf
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What do you use to manage the signals?
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