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Good contribution! Even if I personally can not yet fully identify with all points. For me, the step to the stock market came through a decent salary increase and the thought of something meaningful to do with the financial "more". Currently, the goal of building a fortune so positive experience is completely sufficient for me, quasi incidentally I have begun to part with old devices and things and have sold them through second-hand markets, the money was invested.
The increasing number was motivation enough to reduce my consumption of unnecessary things (technology, subscriptions, etc.) You could say the stock market has had a very positive influence on me so far and this newly acquired attitude I try to pass on to my partner and later to my daughter. But this is probably very type-dependent but that is enough for me as a goal and I look at the deposit value as often as on the invested value, because this makes me proud 😊
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@Thamos after all, it's better than not investing 👍