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I think e-fuel, what Siemens Energy and Porsche are doing, has more future. Is an existing system and you get to the root of the problem -> the dirty fuel. Hydrogen also has a future, possibly in cars, but trucks, buses, etc. Think Plug Power also has a good future. Have also long considered whether I buy an e-car share, but there are so many and you can not decide. Have the money then put the All World ETF 😂
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@Joris Could pick up in a second one if necessary. Sounds interesting 🤔 No investment advice
I don't think that e-fuels have a real chance on the passenger car market (except for niches like sports cars etc.). The extraction is too inefficient, apart from the combustion in the car. The production in Chile is also useless. It is nevertheless exciting to see if the proof of concept succeeds there. The quantities of conventional fuel used in Germany alone today have to be produced first. I think it will remain a luxury product for Porsche drivers who like engine noises (all other industries excluded).
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Will never come for passenger cars, just like hydrogen.
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@svenleowe Now we still have to bring Tesla in somehow, then it really pops here 😁
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@BASS-T I really don't understand how you come up with your abstruse calculation that E cars would be worse. Please do the same again with a Model 3 and BMW 3 series, but mind you, with the same equipment and performance.