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However, Bav is taxed at 100% at your tax rate + any full statutory health insurance and long-term care.
In addition, you must calculate the fewer pension points you receive, as you are reducing your gross.
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@Lino2501 The taxation and repayment of the saved social security contributions is actually included in full.
The reduction in pension points is an important point that I have not taken into account. What would that roughly amount to for €150/€375 per month?
Well, if you're above the income threshold anyway, you won't lose any pension points. And otherwise it's difficult to calculate because it depends on your earnings.
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@fischit would in any case reduce the imputed return on the occupational pension, but due to the expected excess return on the occupational pension in the structure described, even compared to the statutory pension insurance, it would probably always bring more additional capital to the pension than what is "lost" in the statutory pension. I once read a very interesting article on the return on statutory pension insurance, but unfortunately I don't have it to hand, but it was in a range between 2 and 3% (best case, worst case was less than 2% calculated return).
@Epi However, the taxation is incorrect. You do not pay tax on the profit but on the entire payout. Half of the profit share is only taxed for private insurance.
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@TimoWess1 Yup, I have corrected this in part 2. The calculation of the social security contributions was also wrong and the loss of pension points is also not insignificant.
@Epi saw it afterwards too 🙈