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I have to say "thank you" again. 🙏🏼
Nothing new when dealing with the subject, but always very informative and thought-provoking.
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@UnknowU Absolutely. Unfortunately, many people still think of Bitcoin as an object of speculation with no "intrinsic value" :)
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@stefan_21 Again, I have to admit that the high volatility makes it difficult to weight the portfolio so highly. You really are an extreme example & have your reasons, so I won't include that in my argument. But try to make someone understand that you can keep the share at 30-40% and not feel bad about it. Of course, this requires a certain amount of experience in dealing with fluctuations.
I am sure that the majority of investors do not conform to this due to a lack of diversification.
However, I believe that 60-70% index (which index is up to you) and 30-40% BTC also represents a certain amount of diversification.
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@UnknowU I'm right there with you. I have decided to go down this path for myself - but that doesn't mean others have to follow suit. In the future, I too will probably put some of my assets back into an ETF alongside Bitcoin :)