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@financer_684 but wouldn't you expect an asset with these characteristics to be extremely volatile in the first few years until the market can agree on a value?)
We'll see about the institutions. I think they will have no other choice
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@financer_684 Volatility has already decreased in every cycle. I also assume that this will continue - which is logical, as more and more capital is needed to move the price.
The big institutions can of course buy, but this also drives up the price.
A great deal of capital is needed to manipulate the price at this trading volume. If you sell a lot of Bitcoin and try to influence the price negatively, you can only do this once. It's not as if you can reprint Bitcoin indefinitely.
If you sell Bitcoin in order to quickly buy more at a lower price, it can either go well and the price makes a short dip and then rises again, or it can go wrong and the player loses a lot Bitcoin🤷‍♂️
So I'm not very worried about that. I agree that it could take a very long time for the volatility to subside :)
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@financer_684 total nonsense... what a statement... of course the big ones will allow it... at the moment they just want to stock up cheaply... Bitcoin will continue to mature... and vola is a positive thing... so you can get into an assset much cheaper... why do you see it negatively? Because you don't pay enough attention to it ... that's why
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@financer_684 and you have 0 idea about the Krypo Game :) Good luck with your 15% :D :D :D :D :
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@financer_684 no deficits, but your question is so hollow... should I sell at +15% blabnlabal, what should people advise you? This platform is completely wrong about crypo ... 99% of the people here have nothing to do with crypto...
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@Testo-Investor I think you've confused @Basde99 and @financer_684 with each other🤣