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why ADR?
would have entered at 34-36€. but you can buy in tranches :)
gw by the way.
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@fenkias I hope this is a transcription error
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@Portfoliopferd tr only offers this ! what exactly is the bad thing about it because you are not the "owner" of the share?
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@Olaftheheino As a Gazprom ADR shareholder, I can tell you -- EVERYTHING.
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@Reinecke hahhaa okay thanks for the info
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@Olaftheheino dhl Group ? That definitely has tr... own it myself
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@Pirat123 yes my stupidity I only searched under German post hahaha oh well one eye laughs the other cries hahaha
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@Olaftheheino I have Deutsche Post aka DHL in my savings plan with TR. ADR is absolutely not necessary - German shares should never be a problem for a German broker to switch to ADR
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@Olaftheheino would rather swap quickly;) should be plus minus 0
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@DasistderWeg jop wurde geswitcht