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When I look at your interest in finance at the time and then the turnaround, with online brokers and several hours of financial flow videos, I could easily think you were writing about me. 😄

Only for me, it was unfortunately only recently that an interest turned into a hobby.

I devour every book or video and am grateful for any information that opens my eyes 🤓 to how to handle your finances sensibly and have fun with them.

I'm still a bit cautious about individual shares as I'm still thinking about what I think really makes sense and as my World ETF already contains many of these individual shares. I'll take my time with that.

In addition to ETFs, I'm focusing on Bitcoin.

LG and have a nice weekend 👋🏽
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@Patrick83 unfortunately, it's never too late 🌝

Understandable, I thought for a long time that I would never own individual shares. But believe some point it really does appeal to you 😅 Above all, it has taught me a lot, much more than when I was still only investing passively. But you have to feel comfortable with it and if you're not sure yet, you don't have to rush into anything :) I've already made my mistakes 😅