Anyone invested in US tech has not really had much fun in the last few days: falling prices, even price slides of >20 percent - that can make you feel uneasy, can't it?
I say: No, it doesn't make me feel different at all.
Because - at least for my position - nothing has changed. The company is the same, the figures are the same, the outlook is the same, the framework conditions are the same. The only thing that has changed is the panic on the markets. I'm sure that will subside. Just as it always does sooner or later.
Admittedly: Anyone who has "timed" the market can buy back much more cheaply and would have earned a lot. However, I don't believe in this strategy because it doesn't work in the majority of cases and the "could have, would have" argument only holds up in hindsight.
It is also important to note that I would not be nearly as relaxed about all tech stocks. There are candidates where I don't expect a turnaround so easily ($TSLA (-1,09%) , $MSTR (-7,42%) ). However, this is because the fundamentals were already "difficult" before and now look even worse (falling sales figures at Tesla, falling BTC price at Strategy).
I am curious to see whether we will see another price slide and am putting cash aside for this eventuality. Should $NVDA (+0,22%) were to hit EUR 80, I would immediately forget my ramblings from yesterday ("I'm not buying any more NVIDIA because the position is too big") and add another big tranche.
It remains exciting, so stay relaxed.