
Back again - military, new job & updates!

Reading time: approx. 2 minutes

Hey guys! 😎

It's been quiet around me for a while, but now I'm back and happy to give you an update on why I've been so inactive lately. A lot has been going on, both professionally and privately. But don't worry, I haven't been completely inactive on the stock market front either - there's some exciting news there too.

Where have I been? Military, job change & relocation

First of all: I was away in the military and that took up a lot of my time and energy. You know how it goes: little free time, lots to do and hardly any time for other things. But now the chapter is closed again until May next year.

I've also moved house - so I've not only moved a lot mentally, but also physically. New apartment, new city, but everything went well. At the same time, I also changed jobs, which took up a lot of my time. I am now with an embedded finance company which is super exciting. If anyone has any questions about this area, please let me know - I'm currently learning an incredible amount myself and I imagine that some of you might also find the topic interesting.

Stock market updates: Acquisitions & Biggest Win

But enough of my personal stuff, let's get down to the essentials - the stock market activities! Despite everything, I was able to make a few purchases:

And now to the Biggest Win:

My investment in $RSGN is going like clockwork. You can find my articles on this under the title. I am (unfortunately?) the only observer/investor. The share price has developed steadily, demand remains stable, partly due to the limited supply of shares in the order book. I am holding on to my position and still see great potential here. I'm really looking forward to the next company updates and where the journey will take us!

Pain point: Coinbase & Swissquote

Where there is light, there is also shadow - and for me it was definitely Coinbase and Swissquotethat gave me a headache.

  • Coinbase was buying and selling every day for a long time - for no reason at all. You can imagine how confusing that was! Fortunately, I was able to fix the problem by reconnecting. Since then it's been back to normal, but it was definitely a pain.
  • SwissquoteAbsolutely the hate! The connection was erratic, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. After I reconnected it, new errors popped up while old ones were fixed. I currently have a deviation of around 5% in the depotwhich I still have to sort out. A constant up and down that is really driving me crazy. Has anyone had similar experiences?

Performance: Satisfied

Overall, I am satisfied with my performance. On the whole, my portfolio has performed roughly in line with the market. I see this as positive - in these turbulent times, that's not a bad thing.

I hope you found this update helpful and interesting. It feels good to be back in the forum and I look forward to your comments and discussions! How are things going for you on the stock market? Have you had similar problems with platforms like Coinbase or Swissquote?

Happy investing and see you soon! 😊


5 ComentĂĄrios

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I regularly see Swissquote in the feed here. @Alumdria once asked customer service, as far as I know.

Coinbase worked on the API a few weeks ago. There were problems with some platforms with a connection there.

What exactly are you doing at Embedded Finance now? Analysis? Sales?
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Unfortunately, yes.

Thanks for the update! :-D

I'm responsible for product and customer development at the start-up, in Embedded Finance. From FIAT to Digital Assets, we take care of connection, management and exchange.

But how the job (and the company) will develop is written in the stars! There are new challenges every day.

For me, however, embedded finance is a very promising topic for the future - which is being missed by large established banks and financial service providers with legacy systems.
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Welcome back and good luck in your new job.
And I would also like to find out more about it.
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@Tenbagger2024 Thank you very much! :-D

I'll try to bring you a little closer to the world of embedded finance in the future. 👍 I've scheduled some time for Friday evening. :-D
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I'm already looking forward to it.
Thank you my dear.
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