
Hi all,

I am considering to add bonds or a bond ETF to my portfolio as I’m already quite invested in tech. As in Belgium there’s a 30% tax on interests above 1024Eur I’d rather have an accumulating ETF.

Does anyone know a good reference site about buying bond ETF’s and things to consider?

I am curious about the ETF value changing in the light of currency and changing interest rates.

Would it be ‘safer’ to opt for European based governmental and corporate bonds in order to avoid let’s say deprecating dollar value with declining interest rates coming up?

Or would it be a good idea to consider a US/World bond ETF that’s hedged so you won’t have worry about European geopolitical issues nor US currency.

Would declining European interest rates have a positive influence on Eur bond ETF’s present value?

My broker could be Degiro or Bolero. Some ETF’s on the radar: #aggh

$EUHA (+0,01%)
$VAGF (+0,01%)
$XHYA (+0%)

Thanks for your assistance!

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You can browse bond ETFs on sites like extraetf.com
Currency is important to consider. If you want the bond ETFs as the safe part of your portfolio, nothing other than native Euro bonds with short to medium duration makes sense IMHO.
You can also use bonds for speculation on exchange rates and interest rates, but is it what you want?
There are only few scenarios where currency hedging makes sense, I would simply not consider those, only native Euro bonds.
Another thing to avoid are "high yield" bonds, aka junk bonds. They yield more, but are a risk-oriented investment and not really interesting compared to stocks.
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