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Hi, I wanted to congratulate you on the portfolio! I went to see the current status and history and I must say that it really stands out (at least, to me) a clear strategy from the beginning!

I saw that over time you got rid of many Italian positions...can I ask you why? To concentrate everything in ETFs as you write?

And how are you doing with IncomeShares ETPs? I'm starting to consider portfolio inclusion as well.

Regarding your question: I cannot speak as an expert, but what I can tell you is that in my opinion you should see what is worth more to you on the scale:
- less stress and more time - and therefore ETFs
- more Assets to manage in the Balance Sheet - and so real estate

In any case you would have cash flow, for me it is just a matter of seeing how much more time you have to devote, compared to the current situation. 🙂
I hope I have given you a cue!
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@CWS Hi Riccardo!!! Over time I realized that I preferred to have only ETFs and no more individual stocks (neither Italian nor foreign), this allows me to be more comfortable in times of market declines!
As far as incomeshares etps are concerned they exploit a put option selling strategy, so as far as I am concerned they should be included in the portfolio after creating a solid and diversified portfolio in stock/bond etfs (anyway I would not go beyond 6/7% of the total portfolio value).
Since you are Italian I suggest you also look at other posts I have published in the past, they might come in handy regarding Italian taxation ;)
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@GiampieroB thank you very much for the tips, I had already started to read some stuff in fact 😁