Whether the USA will remain the No. 1 in terms of innovation, I would personally doubt 🤔 I would even doubt with regard to Shenzhen that they are currently 😬 but in principle I am also long USA. The advantage of the All World Etf would be of course that possible changes in the world economic order are taken into account, so I think it's good that you do not categorically exclude rebalancing 💪🏽 I think you will definitely make very good returns with this portfolio in the coming years 🚀
•@hendrik_lmr some very smart people doubt whether the economic figures from China on which we base our assumptions are really true. There are some who think the reality is significantly less impressive. If you look at the "reality distortion" of the other red governments, that may well be true.
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@Sun in Shenzhen, the world's first green smart city is to be built. There is a good book with the title "Shenzhen the global economy of tomorrow". It provides good insights
@CMustermann I did not refer to the figures, but mainly to the reports by Wolfgang Hirn from his book "Shenzhen - the global economy of tomorrow". Apart from that, you are certainly right, there will be even more falsification than in Germany and the USA.