World 70-90%
EM 10-30%
Europe unnecessary, as already represented in the World.
Personally, I would even go for 100% World.
Many companies generate their sales worldwide. I therefore consider weighting by region to be outdated.
But that's just my opinion.
Objectively speaking, the emerging markets should certainly not be neglected.
EM 10-30%
Europe unnecessary, as already represented in the World.
Personally, I would even go for 100% World.
Many companies generate their sales worldwide. I therefore consider weighting by region to be outdated.
But that's just my opinion.
Objectively speaking, the emerging markets should certainly not be neglected.
@Banana_Millionaire yes Europe to balance out the 70% USA share in the MSCI World
@PayPalPaul you need to know, but I see more Europe as a drag on returns.
You also have to remember that the world weighting is not set in stone.
It is weighted according to market capitalization.
In the unlikely event that Europe performs better again at some point, its share will also increase. Conversely, the American share will fall.
You also have to remember that the world weighting is not set in stone.
It is weighted according to market capitalization.
In the unlikely event that Europe performs better again at some point, its share will also increase. Conversely, the American share will fall.