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@DonkeyInvestor disappointing that you always have to make such serious posts. This platform is really not meant for such a mature strategy....please concentrate on shitposts in the future so that the quality standard remains as high as possible!
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@Lorena And I thought I had what it takes to be a finfluencer 😭. I guess I'll have to sign up for Insta after all 🤷‍♂️
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@DonkeyInvestor I think you'll have to organize a few more competitions for that ... 😎
Waaas oh god, so you're already a boomer without Insta? It's worse than I thought...
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@Lorena Hey, don't be cheeky young lady! In the old days, when rubber boots were still made of wood and the radio played silent movies, everything was better. Back then, free beer still cost 5 marks! But today's young people can't even imagine that anymore.
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@DonkeyInvestor Should I get you a wheelchair? Some kind of grass aid if your donkey's back is no longer up to it?
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@Lorena That would be lovely ❤️