So now it's time for me to introduce myself. I've been reading your posts for quite a while now. And I've been able to glean a lot of knowledge here.
About myself, I am 47 years young, married and an employee of a medium-sized company. I have been working intensively on the topic of investing in shares since May 2024. Before that, however, I had already dealt with the topic of investing, but was dazzled by financial advisors etc.. I had invested a lot in investment funds and life insurance policies. However, the returns fell by the wayside.
Until I started looking into ETFs and shares. As is so often the case, the financial advisors naturally wanted to talk me down about the enormous risk I was taking and that a fund would bring much higher returns, etc. etc.
Long story short, I decided to go down this path anyway. I started with a Robovisor (growney). Here I was able to gain my first experience with ETFs.
But I quickly realized that I wanted more, i.e. I wanted to get more involved with ETFs and shares and find my own strategy that suited me. So I opened a securities account with an online broker and then, after intensive research on YouTube, getquin and Google, I started to create my own securities account.
In the meantime, I canceled all my funds and life insurance policies and reallocated my assets.
In May 2024, I then started to build up my own portfolio. So 2024 was more of a practice year. I have now built up my portfolio to the point where I feel comfortable with it.
Now to my strategy, I want to build up assets until I retire
My core is the
$VWCE (-1,18%) This is where the largest monthly savings installment goes in
$EWG2 (-0%) I see gold as a small security and stability for my portfolio, which will be expanded in small steps.
$XEON (+0,01%) Money market ETF is our emergency fund, which will be expanded in small steps, as repairs etc. are also paid from here.
$BTC (-3,2%) I see Bitcoin as a long-term investment, this will also be further expanded via a savings plan, but I would also like to realize partial profits in the future
Then I have decided on a few individual stocks, which I have selected so that they are not so highly weighted in my core and where I see growth potential in the future. These will be held for the medium to long term and expanded with savings plans.
$NU (-1,35%)
$HIMS (-15,45%)
$ASML (-2,79%)
$SFM (-4,51%)
$NOVO B (-2,81%)
$SHOP (-1,83%)
$SNOW (-9,96%)
$SP20 (-1,64%) The S&P 500 Top20 serves as a small yield booster, but it remains to be seen...otherwise it will be reallocated to the all World
That's it for now, I'm always open to constructive criticism and improvements. I'm looking forward to an exciting time here.