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I also find it interesting, I only prefer ETF's based in Ireland because of
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@Sodala Credited withholding tax paid on dividends from foreign securities is collected in a pot and, like losses, reduces the capital gains tax payable. The amount of the creditable portion is governed by the double taxation agreement concluded by Germany with the respective source state. Therefore, it does not matter whether 30% is initially deducted and later credited on distributions in Luxembourg on shares from the USA, for example, which are included in the ETF, or 15% is deducted in Ireland and later credited again. With currently about 1.6% distribution, these are anyway not so high amounts that affect the whole. The article is right in that if the broker does not regulate all pots itself, booked and submitted an actual additional effort in communication with the tax office would be there.
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@DjShanghai Ah thank you for the clarification, once again learned something.
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With the accumulating $PRAW you are rid of any worries in this regard and this topic then only concerns Amundi ✌️😎