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What strikes me is that the financial sector is completely absent and the ETFs are even more IT-heavy than the conventional indices, Microsoft in $ISWD with 15% weighting, in $ISUS almost 23%, which is extreme for such ETfs.
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@PassiveAggressive "fortunately"
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@PassiveAggressive why did you retract your comment 😂🤣
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@savvy_investor_60 because I thought this was supposed to be about finance, not religion.
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@PassiveAggressive I had read through the comment before you deleted it and I really have to say that was the worst thing I've read in a long time, so childish and disrespectful, I just hope you do not have children and are not 30 years old.
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@savvy_investor_60 soso and I am disrespectful?.. ^^ I remain that I am glad to have grown up far away from religious constraints and to be allowed to live. If you feel thereby on your Muslim tie stepped, it is to me cordially indifferent. It would be by the way also, if it were a Christian or Jewish tie. The sentence with the spaghetti monster referred to it. And now it is also enough. Whom 2000 years of scientific progress do not disconcert, he will probably not let himself be diverted from his holy path by a commentary discussion.
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@PassiveAggressive Nené you know exactly what else you wrote, this you specifically did not mention because it was so shameful....
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@savvy_investor_60 No, actually I don't. Shoot, what hit you so hard?
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@PassiveAggressive oh come let it go
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@savvy_investor_60 I did that six comments ago... now spit it out, too, if you make such a scene here...