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Maybe it's important to mention that you should always have some money in the clearing account when you invest in REITS? Precisely because such a minus on the clearing account can quickly become expensive if the dividends are canceled and "booked out"? Or does it not matter... I can not imagine. Otherwise, I already know why, despite all the temptation, the model of this class of shares is too complicated for me and I am not invested. Thanks for the qualitative contribution though. 🙌👀
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@InvestmentPapa parallel to the answer I hear you just in the podcast 😂 very cool. answer to the question With me today it was Gladstone Commercial $GOOD I had a positive recalculation. So no danger there valuta of the payment is the day of the reversal. In case of negative recalculation of course should be some change in the clearing account to compensate.
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@GoDividend Whereby it is irrelevant, because the chargeback is mostly done before the brokers charge any penalty interest :)
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@Staatsmann basically correct. But the tax recalculation can also show that you received "too much dividend" for the previous year. Then you have a small gap to fill
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@Staatsmann @GoDividend Well, that's why I asked... I have no idea about this. I only know how it can hurt, if you get the lump sum taxation and it pulls into the minus. And @Staatsmann the interest will be taken daily, you will get the bill at the end of the month ;-) namely to the part 1/360 on the "minus days". Source: Trust me Brudi. 👀😅🤷🏻‍♂️
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@InvestmentPapa Had not yet had 😅 So far there was always a reminder with deadline and only when the deadline ends is calculated 😅
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The source has given me the rest for today 🫠😅👍🏽
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@DividendenSchwabe on what grounds? Is there anything wrong with the content?
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The "trust me Brudi" made me laugh heartily after a day to forget at work 😅👍🏽😁
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@DividendenSchwabe laugh oh so
@GoDividend Hello, does that mean if the amount is then equal or positive recalculator, then (purely theoretically) you can not have a cent on the clearing deposit? LG