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Did you link to the wrong one? According to the info sheet here, the fund volume is €311 million.
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@Iwant_money_423 Is already the right one, I looked at extraETF (IE00BZ56RN96) there it says 60 million. Honestly, I did not even find it here on the site . . .
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@TheRealCharles you have linked it, haven't you? If you then click/press on the blue font there's an info sheet on Getquin. Can of course be that you info is not correct 🤷
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@Iwant_money_423 I was in the browser on the desktop, there the value is not displayed. In the app I see it now. Thank you. At the DiBa is strangely 250 million.
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@TheRealCharles Well, that's great, so I would believe the issuer's data sheet in case of doubt.