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So each inhabitant has an average market cap of €1.2 million? :D
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@RoronoaZoro How long did it take you to do the calculation?😜
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@Boersenbeginner Why does no one here trust me to do mental arithmetic? I've got my A-levels & I'm studying business administration / economics, I'm not that bad :D @Barsten accused me of the same thing yesterday 😂
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@RoronoaZoro because I also have an Abi and studied business administration and mental arithmetic is not my strong point 😂
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@Boersenbeginner But 30/25 you will probably still manage :D
@RoronoaZoro 1.2 million not billion
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@RoronoaZoro you forgot, who was three times in the 3rd grade can count 🤤