
22 years old from country with average salary 1k

Currently Im adding to Unilever for stability and dividends and other positions to decrease my $SHOP (+0,33%) allocation without selling shares

€ 56.313,85
8 Comentários

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living in switzerland though?
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@Tojasoku Slovakia, Im just ashamed to admit it
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@Kubo Slovakia is a nice country and with your investment you can be even prouder that you managed in a country with lower salaries!
An average doesnt help. A Lake can be in average 20cm deep and you can still drown.
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@Madhatter5566 that is clever. How do you rate my portfolio tho? Im curently finishing school and I feel need to be more conservative, thats why Im adding Unilever and S&P. Up to this point Ive been super agressive as you see. What are your thoughts?
@Kubo First I wouldnt compare it with your average income in your country, but with people that are as fortunate as yourself. And I dont think Switzerland has an average of 1k.

For a opinion I dont think I have enough information. Did you inherit a Million? Than its bad regardless of yield:) Did you make 1000 a month since 21 and flipped it. Great.

Without Info: It looks good.
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@Madhatter5566 I am from Slovakia, if you asked people on the streets, they make around 800€ some more, but it doesnt get better than 1500€ here unless you are in Business or IT sector. I didnt inherit nothing yet, i have 2 businesses and 2 jobs while studying college. I started with 20€ at 18, these numbers you see are mostly from earned income and capital gains. My father will give me 20k for graduating next year.

Im starting to look into real estate now, but I like more equities because of low stress, effort and fees.
@Kubo Yet your profile says Switzerland, so does it matter what happens in Slovakia? The life costs less there. I am just not sure If comparing yourself to that helps.

For getting the Money yourself its good. Keep up
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