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Very interesting! I will take a closer look at this ETF. Two quick questions/hints:
From my point of view, the S&P 500 or an MSCI USA would be the right benchmark. 100% USA should only be compared with 100% USA.
And the description of the ETF at getquin actually sounds very passive. The ETF tracks an index that is apparently rule-based. Do you know more about this?
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@randomdude ING describes it quite well under "Strategy":
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@randomdude You will also find information in Handelsblatt 09/2023:

Almost 17 percent return possible: These funds beat indices such as the MSCI World -
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@FIRE55 I'm completely baffled by this. This text does not describe the index strategy at all, but the technical implementation of the ETF using swaps and the resulting risks 🤔
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