
Time to add a second ETF to my portfolio.

After traveling on the Asian continent for over half a year, including with $GRAB (-4,93%) and there was something from $SE (-4,86%) on every corner, I'm bringing a little Asian flair into my depot.

Xtrackers MSCI Singapore ETF logo
Comprado x517 em € 1,746
€ 902,68
9 Comentários

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Thanks for the inspiration! :) Looks exciting.
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I also have this in my portfolio. For exactly the same reasons. 👍🏻
Had its weaknesses and has rallied well since half a year ago. But has been moving sideways again since December...
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Then why not $EIMI? Or did you specifically want Singapore ? They are almost not weighted here.
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@BamBamInvest I found the allocation more appealing with the companies I know and the main weighting on financial service providers. Return expectations are also higher. And Singapore itself is experiencing good economic growth.
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@detailinvest you can do it, i can also imagine that it will do well for the next 5-10 years. i don't know your investment horizon or how long you want to hold it, if you want to invest for longer i would rather take the $EIMI due to the diversification, even if you plan to run an additional savings plan.
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@BamBamInvest Many thanks for the input! This investment is actually planned for the short term, up to a maximum of 3 years. Perhaps simply as long as it performs well or perhaps beats $EIMI.
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@detailinvest With pleasure, I could imagine that you could have a good hand for 3 years. I also find companies like $SE, $GRAB, $D05 interesting as individual investments. Good luck with that anyway. ✌️
With Singapore, you have to select individual stocks. The Indexetf only has a long-term growth of 3-4%. You can look it up in the JustEtf app under Analysis.
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@Joopiter that doesn't mean it has to be like this in the future ✌️
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