
As I said when I made my initial purchase, here is my follow-up purchase.

Figures were okay, higher growth than expected with a weaker margin. Should remain a one-off effect from the acquisition.

Cancer research and veterinary medicine should continue to grow

Merck & Co logo
Comprado em € 92,50
10 Comentários

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@Memo0606 didn't get quite as good a rate as you :)
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@SemiGrowth I only bought 3 shares for that 😅
too bad about linde wanted to buy it but has recovered again
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@Memo0606 have from the sector $APD absolute stroke of luck, runs like on a line (bought after the crash)
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@SemiGrowth yes, I have too
buy in at 214€
but buying linde would be mega just the chart alone is beautiful 🥹
wants to get rid of nestle for it
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@SemiGrowth Which buy in do you have?
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@Jannick_ 96 at Merck and 216 at Apd
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Already have Zoetis for veterinary medicine. Still considering joining here for another position in the healthcare sector
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but what's happening with $REGN is really crass
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@Memo0606 I don't know, the figures looked pretty good. Everything is going down at the moment, it's the same with $KLAC
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@SemiGrowth then that is mega exaggerated
in itself also buy 🙏🏼
yes it was the same with $LRCX
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