
From the dividend runway to the 30k landing: My 2024 financial statements

Review of an exciting year on the stock market

Last year was a real milestone for me in many respects. Even though I have posted less recently, I have by no means been idle. On the contrary, I consistently implemented my "div & hodl" strategy and was able to achieve several personal goals at the same time. For example, I passed the CHF 25,000 mark - and shortly afterwards also crossed the psychologically important CHF 30,000 line!

My current strategy and dividend milestones

-Core portfolio (70/30): The core consists of two ETFs - an all-world ETF ($VWRL (-1,2%)) and an emerging markets ETF ($VFEM (-1,07%) ).

-Dividend targets: Since 11.12.24 my first target of CHF 250 per year has been ticked off. The next interim target is CHF 500, followed by CHF 750 up to the target of CHF 1,000 per year.

-CryptoIn addition to my ETF investments, I am continuing to save in crypto - a small but nice $BTC (-2,78%) -position via dollar-cost averaging (DCA).

Outlook: Where the journey is going

For the coming year, I plan to continue working towards my dividend targets and exceed the CHF 500 mark. I want to maintain the tried-and-tested 70/30 ratio, using every quarter or so for rebalancing. In addition, I'm staying on the ball with my BTC DCA approach - even though crypto is definitely not for the faint-hearted, for me it is part of diversification in small doses.


Patience, continuity and a clear plan: these are the ingredients that have helped me achieve my financial milestones this year. From the first dividend target (CHF 250/year) to the CHF 25k threshold to CHF 30k - it all goes to show that long-term investing still works best when you stick to your plan and invest steadily despite market fluctuations. I am looking forward to the next stock market year and am excited to see what hurdles we will overcome together as a community.

Stay invested and happy new year!





Source image: DALL-E

CHF 31.190,44
14 Comentários

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The FTSE is already 70/30, so why add the EM? (Correction: EM is only 10%)
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@Ridick The FTSE All-World does include EM, but only just under 10-12%. I would like to weight the emerging markets a little more heavily and this gives me around 70% (developed markets) to 30% (EM). I therefore supplement the FTSE All-World with a separate EM ETF.
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@superheroman Why 30% EM and not 25% or 35%?
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@Epi 30% is simply my personal sweet spot. I am aware that there is no perfect figure and that 25% or 35% could be just as justifiable. Ultimately, it's a question of risk profile and personal conviction. I wanted to weight EM more heavily than in the All-World, but not too heavily, so I opted for 30%
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@superheroman then I would have chosen msci right away, if you are also investing in EM anyway... FTSE is all about not having to rebalance.
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@Ridick For me, FTSE and MSCI are both good options. I like the fact that I remain flexible with the separate EM ETF: I can adjust the weighting at any time or even take it out completely if I want to. I don't see rebalancing as a major additional expense. In the end, it's simply a question of personal preference and my risk profile.
@superheroman That's exactly how I see and do it ✌🏻 but for me it's $IWDA and $AE5A 😎
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Nice portfolio!! :) Quick question — where do you buy and store your BTC?
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@TAHT Thanks! I buy and store them with the Swiss broker Relai. Their setup is straightforward, and they offer a non-custodial wallet so I can stay in full control of my BTC.
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@superheroman Thanks for letting me know! :)
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Patience is of course easy when things are basically only going up, as in 2024.
What about a 50% drawdown?
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@Epi When everything is rising, it's easy to hold on. The real test comes at -50%: do I stick to my plan? Personally, I would continue and use DCA as long as the fundamentals are right. Fluctuations are part of it - and a drawdown can also be an opportunity to buy at a good price.
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@superheroman This will be a test for you! The problem is not so much a deposit level at -50%, but rather the path from -20% to -40%. When you see your deposits disappear over months in the first few days and it keeps going downhill with no prospect of improvement. This is psychologically tough. Very few people are familiar with the situation and know how to react.

I know that I don't tolerate them well and have therefore devised strategies to avoid them. In the end, we are smarter or richer, never both. 😬
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@Epi You're absolutely right: the gradual fall from -20% to -40% can be more nerve-wracking than simply looking at -50%. In the end, it is precisely this longer dry spell process that shows whether my strategy and risk tolerance really suit me - and whether I have the discipline to stick with it despite the red figures. I also try not to constantly look at the portfolio, but to rely on the long-term process. I've been involved in the stock market for around eight years, but have been out of it in between because I needed liquidity. I also had to endure longer negative phases in my 3rd pillar (pension option) - I've been building up my portfolio there since 2018. All of this has shown me that keeping calm and sticking to your plan is often the best way forward.
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