
I still have in my portfolio $LIN

shares. Now that Linde is no longer in the Dax, the share price stopped on 02/28.

According to my research, the brokers should automatically transfer the shares on 01.03 into the new

$LIN (-0,41%) 1:1 exchange... is not the case with me.

Does anyone know anything about this ? Will this still come ? It seems like I can't sell the shares either.... (Traderepublic)

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Here is the excerpt from Trade Republic Support: If you already have the position in your securities account, it will now be booked out under the old ISIN and booked into your securities account under the new ISIN. This process may take some time. After the booking is completed, you can trade your position normally.
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Same with me ( comdirect) - takes its time I think :) after all, we are all long time investors at Linde, aren't we ?
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I just looked. I could not sell my Linde at ING right now. However, Linde with the new WKN A3D7VW would be tradable.
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So with me at Scalable everything is possible again
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@DWeh has already been booked off/on
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Look what happened today
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Oh you just have to talk about and then what happens 😃
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@Malte12123 yes that often at trade Republic I honestly did not notice it until the message came. Because everything happens pretty quickly at Trade things happen before a hint is seen in the course before and disadvantage with other providers comes the notice and the actual action only days later, everyone must decide for themselves how it is preferable to him. Really disappears does nothing in the normal case.
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How did you do that with the tracking here in getquin? I just noticed that the value is not updated here for ages, but in the depot at the ING everything is correct with the same WKN
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