

I have a question that I am currently stuck on. I am currently investing in the $AUM5 (+0%) Amundi S&P500 UCITS ETF (Acc). I started some time ago with the money from surveys.

Much longer I also invest in $H4ZJ (-0,09%) HSBC MSCI World UCITS ETF (Dist).

Now today I wanted to check the allocation again, so what are the largest 10 positions in the ETF. I noticed the following:

Here on Getquin you can display this wonderfully.

In the MSCI World compared to the Amundi it looks like this: (left MSCI, right Amundi)

Apple Thermo Fisher

Microsoft Apple

Amazon Keyence

Tesla Johnson and Johnson (J&J)

Alphabet A Linde

Alphabet B ExxonMobil


UnitedHealth ProcterGamble

J&J Roche

ExxonMobil Amgen

So the Amundi page somehow doesn't make sense. Keyence for example is Japanese. I googled and found out that at de.extraetf.com you can find the Amundi S&P500, but under composition it says:

TRS S&P 500 NO USD. I can now do nothing with it and somehow I was not smarter even with further searches. This TRS I have of course also entered at extraetf (and Google) but then came nothing and Google comes in this regard also nothing.

On the page of Amundi itself I find. However, the composition looks exactly the same as the MSCI World. What would mean that I quasi by the MSCI World and the Amundi at least as far as the first / largest positions exactly the same would besparen.

Can anyone help me with this? Why can't I find a list of the positions in the Amundi S&P 500 and why does the listing at getquin seem to be wrong?

@Kundenservice So the listing of the largest 10 at the $AUM5 (+0%) here on Getquin is definitely not correct 😅

@GoDividend how do you handle it? Don't you parse that one too?

Edit: no idea why the entry has pulled apart so much when posting.

Edit2: Maybe a little complicated question, so again specifically: Is the composition of the Amundi S&P500 really exactly the same as the MSCI World (as on their homepage) and why is the information on GQ then wrong?

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@Kundenservice the data of the $AUM5 are not the same as those of the issuer
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No that was in my cashback deposit Has been exchanged for dividend payer 😅
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Look for the specific ISIN or WKN. If you enter it in the usual portals, you will get exactly this displayed.
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