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Funds are as always more interesting for the issuer. go dear in an ETF of your choice, cost point would then be 0.2-0.6% TER. and not 1.45%.^^
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@BigDip Yes, I am aware of the TER. I'm just surprised that, according to my information, MegaTrends effectively has almost the same return value as the MSCI World, despite the higher costs.

It's also questionable whether it doesn't make more sense to stop the savings plan and leave the money in order to avoid paying tax on the profit 🤔

I'm just confused by the fact that the return is the same despite the costs. Because then it wouldn't be necessary to sell, or am I missing something? My head is full right now 😅
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@DividendenWaschbaer As I said, funds are interesting for the issuer, it is rare that funds outperform. You can ask Thelen or Müller.

You can also leave the money lying around. You can reduce it with your saver's allowance, which should be 1k next year. In any case, invest the money somewhere else.