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A nice thought. However, I haven't had time to read it yet. If it's good, which has already been confirmed by @Epi and @AlterMann, then it would certainly be very interesting for #gqevergreens from @DonkeyInvestor. Overall, you should definitely use hashtags for retrieval. Not too many, but just the relevant things and perhaps a unique one, under which you can then find all these posts again.
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@DividendenWaschbaer this is just a post to pin to your profile?
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@DonkeyInvestor The one, yes. But the series as a whole should be findable.
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@DividendenWaschbaer there is a link in there
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@DividendenWaschbaer okay, now there are two links in there
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@DividendenWaschbaer I'm not sure what this is all about and what should be in the evergreens
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@DonkeyInvestor I don't know that yet either. It depends on how it looks/is set up in the end, etc.
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@DonkeyInvestor Of course, it would be easiest to link the profile, as the topics are very different. Finance I is followed by basic accounting etc. If you only want to link individual posts, I can only say that the best or most important posts are yet to come. Of course, the most important topics are topics like Post 3 Bonds. Post 4 Bonds, Post 5 Stocks and other matters. Some articles are just for knowledge sharing, while others are more practical for GQ users.
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@DonkeyInvestor it is in the profile of the account and in the outline that I write the post😂😂
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@cashwithhead I hope I have already replied often enough to posts here that my normal account has a recognizable value.🙃🥲 If not that would be pretty sad for me🥲