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Why so complicated?🙈 For what period is the savings phase? What is the goal of the investments? Even in a weaker tech phase, tech is unlikely to do badly in the long run. Therefore: Everything in $IWDA or $VWRL or $VWCE Not so complicated and market return. For the 500€ you make it more complicated for yourself than necessary.
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@Staatsmann I simply wanted to save for the current market situations. The Momentum ETFs and Index ETFs I found not so good. Also, I find that the World Etf me too much Germany is included. Meanwhile, I find only certain German companies such as Infineon, Telekom, RWE or Rheinmetall interesting.
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@MrMister 2% Germany is too much??
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@Portfoliopferd No. I generally don't like all companies that are based in Germany. The same applies to other countries.