
My savings plan:

I have created a savings plan with 500€ per month and would like to share it with you. Gladly with feedback:

All approximate data:

Etfs (44%):

$ANX (+0,16%) Amundi Nasdaq 100 36%

$XDJP (-0,74%) Xtrackers Nikkei225 4%

$VUKE (+0,26%) Vanguard Funds PLC 100 GBP 4%

Equities (56%):

$GLEN (+0,06%) Glencore 4%

$LIN (+2,04%) Linde 4%

$DTE (+1,51%) German Telekom 4%

$STLAM (+0,18%) Stellantis 4%

$WM (+1,02%) Waste Management 3%

$PG (+1,01%) Procter+Gamble 3%

$ALV (-0,22%) Alliance 2%

$IFX (-1,08%) Infineon 2%

$BLK Black Rock 2%

$RWE (-1,68%) RWE 2%

$SHA Schaeffler 2%

$MSFT (+0,33%) Microsoft 2%

$JPM (+0,89%) JP Morgan 2%

$MDLZ (+0,3%) Mondelez 2%

$WMT (+0,33%) Walmart 2%

$8001 (-3,29%) Itochu 2%

$BRK.B (+0,47%) Berkshire Hathaway 2%

$MA (+0,81%) Mastercard 2%

$V (+0,42%) Visa 2%

$DIS (-0,94%) Disney 2%

$SHEL (+1,11%) Shell 2%

$NOVO B Novo Northdisc 2%

$RHM (+0,22%) Rheinmetall 2%

The ETFs will remain. If the Tech ETF has a lull, I will switch to S+P500. I will check the stocks once a year.

In addition to the savings plan, I have short-term shares in Tupperware $TUP and medium term in Nvidia $NVDA (+0,86%) and on my investment list Hillenbrand $HI (+0%) .

I am very happy about feedback.

Thank you community

29 Comentários

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Why so complicated?🙈 For what period is the savings phase? What is the goal of the investments? Even in a weaker tech phase, tech is unlikely to do badly in the long run. Therefore: Everything in $IWDA or $VWRL or $VWCE Not so complicated and market return. For the 500€ you make it more complicated for yourself than necessary.
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In principle, I am in favor of individual shares and have savings plans with these myself. But such small values... Rather make ten shares at 50€ each and increase when there are gradually dividends in significant amounts.
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Just invest 500€ in the S&P. Or a world ETF.
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Sounds really complicated 😅🥲🤷🏻‍♂️ I just put everything (180€ per month savings plan) in the MSCI Wolrd and if I feel like it I buy individual shares and ready 💁‍♂️
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Too many shares mMn. would simply pick out a few, of which I am convinced that they beat the ETF. If something like that is weighted with 2%, it hardly makes sense, then I can just save the etf.
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On ETFs: I don't think much of regional bets. Why should the UK and Japan do particularly well? It can happen, but it doesn't have to. The NASDAQ100 is a bit different in my opinion, it is so strong that I would not consider it a sector or regional bet. However, it makes me wonder that you write about a changeover during a "lull". That's precisely when you should continue to invest, right? If you switch every time there is a medium-term price decline, that's nothing more than buy high, sell low.
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Sonnst also consider investing a few % in bitcoin
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I can only agree with the others. But especially the idea of switching from the NASDAQ to the S&P 500 when tech is doing worse makes no sense at all. That would mean that you always buy tech stocks when they are particularly expensive and leave them when they are cheap. This way you destroy the probably very good return of the NASDAQ.
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You can do everything this way, but keep in mind that in the future there will also be some transaction costs, which I would not take with the number of ETFs / shares and the savings rate. Here there were already great suggestions that would be more sensible.
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I'm doing exactly the same thing and currently have over 40 spray plans running at €4.33 p.m. each.
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