
Memestock time = Milestone time?
reached 🚀🚀🚀🚀

Shares like Gamestop $GME (-3,23%) or AMC $AMC (-0,71%) make the headlines again, my portfolio reaches the next milestone of €300,000.

After hitting €100,000 in November 2020, I reached €200,000 last year in April 2023.

13 months later, in May 2024, the €300,000 mark has already been reached.

The €300,000 was actually my target for the end of 2024, which has now already been reached in May.

However, I am curious to see how things will continue in the medium term. The memestock hype could also symbolize a high again for the time being. If you can make money with anything and everyone joins in, it's usually already too late for the big profits on the stock market.

Detailed calculation since August 2013:



€ 266.315,34
31 Comentários

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Great depot, you can't say otherwise 👍
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@RealMichaelScott Thank you! It also took a few years of learning at the beginning 😂
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@Mister_ultra that's part of it 😉
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Top. Maybe add India
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@Jorgen Definitely worth considering.

In fact, I only opted for China as an additional ETF, as they have a very closed economy.

In my opinion, if India grows, Western companies such as Apple, LVMH, Pepsi,... will also benefit. so I'm already invested in India through these companies anyway :)
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It's not my portfolio, but I bow to this great performance! Maybe you'll reduce to 30 to 40 positions for the sake of clarity, or diversify a bit more outside of tech, but... The return proves you right, keep it up!
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@PalmPirateTechnocrate Thank you!

In fact, there are sometimes too many exciting companies and some sectors (e.g. pharmaceuticals or semiconductors) I would rather cover more broadly, as I simply don't know enough about them 😄
But I don't want to have more than the ~50 individual stocks I currently have.
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Finally someone with a 200-300k portfolio that is credible and not a servant who has been invested since mid-23 and was given a present by mommy.
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@FlorianoPerlini thank you 😂 Yes, there are over 11 years of work and also enough losses and years of learning in it. Especially in the first ~5 years
Beautiful things! Congratulations 🎊🎈
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If you scroll down until you only see the positions Nvidia to Amgen, there is something very reassuring about seeing the green numbers slowly flashing up. 🟢 Very nice portfolio 👍
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@Gerit Thank you! :)

You really notice the time factor. At some point it always turns green in the long run (exceptions like Bayer and vo hopefully prove the rule 😂)
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Great depot 👍
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Indeed, lots and lots of tech. And all deep green. 👏But also good diversification approaches in between, which I'm still missing completely. Learned a lot from reading across. Thanks for sharing! What of the red will be swept out next? @Mister_ultra
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@sobrius Thank you very much and with pleasure! :)

The high proportion of tea is indeed a deliberate choice, but you shouldn't put all your eggs in one basket. I also see pharmaceuticals in particular as a huge topic for the coming decades (ageing society and the like).

Good question, I'm always wondering what I should do with the Corona Hype shares like Sea, Shopify or Block that I bought at too high a price. But I haven't made a decision yet.

I've already thrown a few stocks like Teladoc Health or BASF out of the portfolio in recent months. At the moment I'm quite happy with the line-up :)
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Great portfolio! Thanks for sharing. Your reds are useful to see what can come next top.
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@Carpe-Diem Let's hope so 😂

Some things were really overpriced, especially a Sea or a Shopify during the Corona hype. But also a Nike, which is unfortunately not performing as well as hoped and has been rather red in the portfolio for years. But I'm also convinced that they will rise again in the long term.
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@[Mister_ultra](Mister_ultra) I would remove $[MTCH:US57667L1070](MTCH:US57667L1070), $[SE:US81141R1005](SE:US81141R1005), $[SHOP:CA82509L1076](SHOP:CA82509L1076) and $[SQ:US8522341036](SQ:US8522341036) and buy more from $[NKE:US6541061031](NKE:US6541061031), $[TEAM:US0494681010](TEAM:US0494681010) and $[AMT:US03027X1000](AMT:US03027X1000). And wait dip for $[PFE:US7170811035](PFE:US7170811035) and $[SBUX:US8552441094](SBUX:US8552441094) . Never analyzed $[SRT3:DE0007165631](SRT3:DE0007165631) and $[HSY:US4278661081](HSY:US4278661081) - kA. Have fun 😀
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Really great depot
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Quick question, how can you have no taxes on the earnings or costs (unless everything is free in the savings plan)?
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@ChiLLSh0t Pay attention! I don't actually track my taxes and costs, mainly for two reasons:

- My benchmark market (MSCI World) does not take taxes or fees into account. If I were to track these for myself, I would have to slightly outperform the MSCI World every year to even be on a par with it
- Taxes and the like can change. If I want to compare my performance with previous years, I always have to consider that, for example, the tax-free amount back then was only €801 instead of €1,000. Or withholding tax for foreign dividends changes,...

Nevertheless, my costs and tax are still relatively low. I buy my shares almost exclusively via a free savings plan through Trade Republic. When I sell, I have to pay €1, but as I only sell a maximum of 5 shares a year, this is negligible.

In addition, I let my shares run at a profit and, as mentioned above, hardly ever sell them so as not to pay taxes unnecessarily. As I had higher losses from the past in the offsetting stop, this was also offset first.

This leaves only the tax on dividends. Last year, I had ~€2,300 in dividends minus the tax-free amount, so €1,300 remained to be taxed. At just under 28%, that would be less than €400 in tax.

So unfortunately I haven't yet found a trick to really reduce costs and tax to 0 :D
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@Mister_ultra Your gross return will not change. They will be displayed, but not automatically calculated out. Except for dividends if you are not a Premium user.

Why is your benchmark the MSCI World when it demonstrably consists of 60% USA? My benchmark would be the S&P500, also historically.
However, it is practically mandatory that you are slightly below it, taking into account taxes and costs, because you cannot invest otherwise, unless you are a 100% savings plan user without costs. However, even then you have to pay taxes and costs when you realize this. So in my opinion, you are distorting reality (also taking into account the change in taxes, for example).

Ultimately it's your decision, but I'm interested in my performance taking into account all real factors and not the fictitious performance.
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@ChiLLSh0t I actually only use getquin as a second portfolio tracker, my main tracker has been Portfolio Performance on the PC since 2017. Since 2013, I have had to manually adjust every transaction, dividend,... manually to record costs and fees. Due to the reasons I mentioned and the additional, massive effort involved, this is no longer an option.

The MSCI World now has just under 65% US share, my portfolio has a ~75% US share. While the S&P 500 is of course 100% US, so I still find the MSCI World a more suitable benchmark.
Nevertheless, I always look at the development vs. S&P 500 in portfolio performance, but at some point you have to choose one 😂

That is indeed a difference, I am primarily interested in whether my stock selection ultimately performs better than the market or a broad ETF. Taxes and costs are external factors that I (unfortunately) can't influence at all. But I can influence my stock selection.
Of course, I could also say that I have to beat the MSCI World minus 0.5%. The discount would then be a reasonable assumption for the taxes and costs not included.
In my opinion it is easier to compare the return ex. To compare these factors.

That's why I don't compare myself with an MSCI World ETF, but with the actual index, in order not to take into account the fees at ETF level either
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I failed at some point with Portfolio Performance when I tried to add everything since 2015. It was too complicated for me. Just love getquin. Here I have made the complete effort to add the entire history. It was a boring Sunday.

You're right about the decision, of course.

I see. Well, at least you have the annual tax statements from the banks. Only the costs are lost. I find this point very relevant, as it reduces returns. Just comparing the brokers is blatant.
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@ChiLLSh0t I totally understand! I set it up in 2017, when unfortunately there was no such thing as getquin. The choice was portfolio performance, building an Excel yourself or some tracker in a financial app that only showed profit / loss.
What I also really like is that you can customize everything. For example, S&P Global $SPGI is assigned to the industrial sector here at getquin. That makes no sense to me, in Portfolio Performance I simply assign it to the financial sector myself.

Complicated on the one hand, lots of options on the other :)

I absolutely agree with you! As I have almost my entire custody account with Trade Republic and all savings plans are free of charge, my annual costs are less than €20.
Therefore, in my case, not relevant for the return.
But you're absolutely right, with another broker and a lot of trading, things look completely different!

I have sold one share so far this year. So costs of €1 for this year so far 😄
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what a great depot
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@MGC94 Thank you! Meanwhile mainly Trade Republic. I have two other custody accounts, but I don't really use them any more. Nevertheless, I still have a few shares there
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@mto That's Portfolio Performance
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