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Personally, I will currently not enter into a single investment with any other country in the world than the USA.
...and the ex-China-EM-ETF $EMXC initially has South Korea and Taiwan in addition to India in a similar order of magnitude of around 20%. I think that's completely okay and sufficiently balanced...

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@Stullen-Portfolio Hi there!
As far as I know, US tech companies are also highly weighted in the ETF you suggested. Does that double up with large USA ETFs?
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No... there is no US tech in it!
The fact that US companies appear in some compilations of the companies included is due to the way the ETF replicates. Swap is the procedure here...but it takes place in the background and is not to be equated with an actual, superficial duplication...the performance is based on the EM stocks.
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@Stullen-Portfolio and nonetheless synthetic ETFs track the performance of the index to be replicated with something else. In this case, US Tech😅. The values are therefore actually contained in the ETF you mentioned, not in Hintergrund🤷🏼‍♂️.