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a) Are ISINs congruent? Should have the same TER.

b) helps with the search

c) I can't help you as a Swiss citizen, sorry. Would also prefer an advisor for taxes instead of a forum.

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@GeldGenie This has nothing to do with taxes. They are administrative costs.
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@sobrius You write about taxes in the article?
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@GeldGenie Only c) is about taxes. However, this has nothing to do with CH or DE, but with investment strategy.
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@sobrius Answer only for c) regarding taxes 🤔 - and accordingly CH/DE is different 🤔
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@GeldGenie JustETF shows TER 0.10%. Trade Republic with the same ISIN shows 0.29%. My second securities account at Comdirect shows 0.10%. So I have already answered the question myself. The error obviously lies with Trade Republic. It's only a paltry 0.19% difference.... ;-)