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I think that reads very well and I think you can do very little wrong. However, you forgot Bitcoin in your post🤪
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@stefan_21 it was so clear to me that something was coming with BTC 😂🤑. I am in the process of familiarizing myself with the topic and will also invest a portion here, I think around 50k is appropriate as an addition. However, I don't like the fees/spreads and third-party custody at this level. And until I can solve this satisfactorily, I unfortunately have to wait with the investment. I now have an account with Bison, but that is simply too expensive for me and my knowledge is not sufficient for further alternatives.
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@Dividendenopi I think it's great that you're reading up on the subject. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask :D
For the amount, I would actually recommend Binance... 0.1% fee.

I wouldn't do third-party custody. If I were you, I'd get a hardware wallet like the BitBox02, send the Bitcoin up there, done.
I would then stamp the 24 words in steel (you can buy sets online) and put them in a safe and then nothing can really happen to you :)

If you are looking for a contact person who will take you by the hand and advise you and help you set up the wallet, you could actually go to VR Bank Bayern Mitte. They've been doing this for I think 3 years now. They offer Bitcoin information sessions and then guide you step by step through the process of buying Bitcoin and storing it on your own hardware wallet. However, I don't know what fees they charge :)
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@stefan_21 clean👌VR Bank Bayern Mitte almost hits my home, born in Regensburg, but the idea is good, I'm with VR Niederbayern/Oberpfalz with overnight money, I'll see if there's something there and can make my next visit home meaningful and not just at the Italian... Third-party custody is also tricky for me, I also buy my gold anonymously and physically despite poorer prices, so I wouldn't want to be robbed of my potential freedom with crypto. Bison sounds simple and "secure", but then I'll wait a bit and take a look at BitBox, @Testo-Investor has also introduced a hardware wallet, which seems coherent to me overall, regardless of what the individual thinks of crypto or not. Not an all in for me but definitely a must have at the given time. I'm on it and thank you for your offer, which I will certainly take you up on!
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@Dividendenopi very nice, I was actually born in the Upper Palatinate, but now live in Munich :D

In principle, it doesn't matter which hardware wallet you use.
The Tangem Wallet that Testo presented is very modern and has a cool concept with the NFC chip - it's also relatively cheap, but I'm a little bothered by the fact that it doesn't have a display.

As far as I know, the VR Bank Bayern Mitte always recommends the Bitbox02 and alternatively a coldcard, i.e. a kind of check card with a public key on the front and the private key sealed on the back - so you wouldn't even need a hardware wallet, but would have a paper wallet :D