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Why not make your own new dividend portfolio? And I don't know about dividends, so I'd rather have the good individual stocks. It's not about risk, half of them are just garbage
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@topicswithhead and Europe and the small cap I know nice somehow not satisfying
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@topicswithhead My main portfolio is the dividend portfolio. And only stocks with a dividend yield of at least 2.5% have lost something in there 😇 Europe as a counterweight to my existing US bias. Small cap was just an idea in order to hold more than just the mainstream stocks... I'm already looking forward to your tinkering. 💪😁
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@Dividendenopi I have tried to incorporate most of your ideas with better performance and better to equal dividends without losing diversification and with a better TER
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@topicswithhead absolutely great, thank you very much, the alternatives you suggested look very interesting, I'll take a closer look at them. 👌
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@Dividendenopi and liked it or not?
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@topicswithhead Had to spend the whole day gardening with my mistress 😅 I'll get to work on it tonight ✌️
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@topicswithhead have decided to limit today's gardening day to sitting in the shade, drinking coffee and browsing the net. 😎😁Thanks again for your selection: $IUQD is interesting and worth considering with the focus on quality stocks. With your sample weighting, the USA is too lumpy for me and, together with the two World ETFs, there is a lot in $NVDA, $AAPL, $MSFT and $META. Perhaps include this as a 3rd component in the 50% world coverage. The $HPRO is quite nice, I am already invested directly in $O and $VICI. What I like about $IEQD is that Germany is not so strongly represented there and $HSBA is not included, I also have a direct investment there. However, it is significantly smaller and the TER is twice as high. The performance is very similar and the slightly lower dividend is negligible. Now I have to shovel the money to ING and see what savings plans are available, they are due to start in the second half of September if the markets are good.... Until then I still have a few days to make the final selection and distribution and will of course let you and everyone else know.
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@Dividendenopi Country diversification makes virtually no sense on a large scale and is more a principle than a usefulness. The dividend ETFs only boost the half okay stocks in the end and create dependencies. Apart from that, dividends are not promised and I would rather have them from quality stocks than from stocks like Verizon, petro brasil or Mercedes
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@topicswithhead aswarth damoradan gave a country update a few weeks ago and also briefly explains that countries do correlate. Also that locations for settlement are as good as irrelevant because you always have advantages and disadvantages and most companies have more than one country of turnover