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@Kundenservice Could you please check the dividend payments of $SIGN again. I currently have 3 x dividends for 24 in the overview. I can't delete them myself. Unfortunately there is only 1x money 😉
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@finanzperpetuum Please edit the last purchase and save it again without changing anything. :)
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@Kundenservice ok, the dividends seem to be correct now, but the current price is wrong. Something like 9CHF instead of the actual 20.xxCHF.
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@finanzperpetuum Hm, according to the securities page, the data point is from June 2019.
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@Kundenservice I can confirm that today is April 2, 2024 :-)
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@finanzperpetuum Sure, but it looks like we won't be receiving any more data.
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@Kundenservice I hope you can do something about it ?
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@finanzperpetuum Our data supplier determines what it supplies and what data it offers. As a customer, we have no say in this.
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@Kundenservice hhmm, so my portfolio overview is no longer correct. That's bad ...