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Info from ING to me (shortened).
This is approx. 0.48€ per share, as I bought in at 0.1, I am not currently buying more.

You hold the above shares in your direct custody account. We have some information for you today: DroneShield Limited is offering to buy more shares in the company at a fixed price.

We have summarized the most important details of the offer for you here:

DroneShield Limited
0.8 Australian dollar
until 06.05.2024; 22:00 hrs

DroneShield Limited specifies that you can only subscribe for the new shares in blocks of certain equivalents. These equivalents are: 2,000 Australian Dollars (AUD), 10,000 AUD, 15,000 AUD, 20,000 AUD, 25,000 AUD or 30,000 AUD. The allocation can be made pro rata.

If you accept the offer, we will need to disclose various details to DroneShield Limited: Your name, your address, your holding on the Record Date (17.04.2024) and the number of shares you wish to receive. With your instruction you agree to this.

If you accept the offer, an order commission will be charged for the subscription. We will debit the money from your custody account in euros. As the payment was originally made in a different currency, it will be converted before being credited. We charge a discount of 0.25% on the exchange rate provided to us. We cannot tell you whether additional foreign fees and taxes are incurred - we have no information on this.
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@Booz Thank you! I really hope I receive a letter like this from Trade.
Thanks to you!
Although I wouldn't know whether I would then top up for AUD 2,000 (min. order?). It should only be a small gamble for me 😀