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Interesting topic, but I wouldn't choose BDCs that are gradually declining in price or dividends.

I chose my stocks based on their performance since 2007, especially stocks that have outperformed the s&p500 in TR since then.

So far, $ARCC $HTGC $MAIN has turned out to be extremely solid and crisis-resistant, and I added $JEGP when it became tradable.

Otherwise, I can recommend Ruben Wunderlich's channel on the subject on YouTube, very good impressions on this, perceived, unpopular topic.

However, my high-yield share is "only" ~30%, 70% is made up of basic world ETFs $FGEQ $TDIV and some us $WTEF, I've heard that leverage and bonds are currently in vogue 😄
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@Trendisyourfriend as far as I know the NAV grows with $GAIN and $OBDC, with BDCs you should not pay too much attention to the price, NAV and none accrual rate are much more important. The price often does not reflect a change of strategy well over a long timeframe, especially after a "crash".
When it comes to high yield, I prefer to rely on the Americans, who in my opinion have much more experience in providing opinions or incentives.