
Getquin rewinds - All that glitters is not gold ☄️

Now that the majority of the rewinds shared are performing really well and most of them are in the top 10% of the community, it's time to show the other side of the coin.

Even though my performance is supposedly better than 95% of the community, I would like to show the shit list of my portfolio here 😂

Please make some noise for:

Sea $SE (-4,86%) Match $MTCH (+0,27%) and Block $SQ (-1,61%) all of which have losses of ~50-70%.

But even a Pfizer $PFE (+1,12%) at the moment I would prefer to assign Waste Management $WM (-1,9%) from @Simpson for recycling 😂

The purchase of Hershey $HSY (+1,89%) has not paid off so far - but I'm convinced in the long term and simply started the savings plan at the wrong time in the middle of the year. Sartorius $SRT3 (+2,42%) continues to suffer from the normalization after Corona and China in general is simply not doing well, which is reflected in my China ETF $MCHS (+0,53%) shows.

With Teladoc $TDOC (+4,3%) and BASF $BAS (+1,41%) I have already sold two more pipe-drawers this year.






25 Comentários

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Thanks for sharing and performing. Not everyone does that. Virtual hats off.
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@DividendenWaschbaer Thank you! In my eyes, that's just as important. After all, anyone can make a profit with NVIDIA 😂
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How nice 🥰 such a shit list can be! I always find it very likeable when someone has the 🥚 🥚 🥚 and shares what simply doesn't work at all or if someone has simply made a mistake. Not every portfolio shines with a blatant performance, it doesn't have to. Thanks for sharing 🤗
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@FrauManu Thank you! :) As long as the rest of the depot is running, I'm happy and can accept such failures.
Not all positions have to run well. A few are enough. Because only the loss is limited to 100%!
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@Wowa83 Absolutely, not even Warren Buffett can achieve a 100% hit rate. As long as the overall performance is right
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Thanks for sharing! But once again you can see that it doesn't matter when you get on.
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@Sansebastian That's true, especially for Hershey. It's actually a boring consumer staples stock, but even here it can go downhill significantly. As it is in the savings plan, however, it is not so dramatic. And with high growth stocks such as Sea or Block, it can always go either way. With Palo Alto Networks and Mercadolibre, however, there are also some with good performance.
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@Mister_ultra I only bought Hershey last week 😉 I agree with you, some shares can go up or down. But if you buy at a prominent zine, the probability is higher that the stock will form a biden and go up again. Many people say that it doesn't matter when you get in, but I think that's nonsense 🙂
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First time i have seen some one sharing his losses .. Respect ..
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@Arun11 thanks a lot! I think that is just as important as showing the big green numbers.

Even the best investors in the world like Warren Buffett are making mistakes, so for sure I will make a 100 more :D
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For some, it might be worth buying more. You have to take a closer look. If I trust the company and the figures are good and there's money left over, I'll at least do that. PS. I'm a beginner and also bought some stocks at the wrong time. I'm currently trying to stabilize my portfolio with dividends and re-investment. I haven't sold anything yet either...
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@Elfuhr absolutely! I will continue to buy Hershey and I will also continue to hold the China ETF. I think it makes sense as an addition to the portfolio, even if the performance so far hasn't proved me right at all. Pfizer is also certainly worth considering. The share is at the same level as in 2014, although billions were earned during the coronavirus crisis and profits are also much higher.
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@Mister_ultra Pfizer is definitely worth a look
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You can't just win - losses are part of the game.
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@Whyno absolutely! The important thing is that the overall performance is roughly in line with the market. Otherwise, you can simply buy an MSCI World ETF :)
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I also find the rewind overview very modest. For me, the time would have been better invested in correcting the errors in the dividend overview. Store Capital is still listed in the forecast as well as the one-off distribution from vw in January. There are probably many other errors like these that distort the values.
I will now continue to buy Hershey, as it seems to be a very good value with a P/E ratio of approx. 21.5.
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Once half of my portfolio was -50%. I kept buying and now seems good, was confident enough in my ideas
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Thanks for sharing.
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@Michael-official absolute. The bigger the loss, the smaller the position. I simply don't scroll that far down in my portfolio 😂 I can well understand the suffering. Disney, like Pfizer, is also a phenomenon for me. But you can see from these shares that even the really big ones are not untouchable (similar to Meta in 2022). With Virgin, they have clearly mounted the rocket the wrong way round. Not to the moon 😂
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@Mister_ultra to the core quasi
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@trade_samurai_178 Thank you! :)
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