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Don't you think that in the end your Reits are very overweighted? Personally, I would aim for a balanced ratio and not put so much into it. Currently and time and again, you can see that equities in particular like to fudge their balance sheets on the edge of legality, and as a shareholder you don't really know what the situation looks like. For me, that would be reason enough to focus a little more on diversification in the sectors. But that's just my opinion and can also be completely ignored 😁 Otherwise, I think it's often good to have a clear plan that you can always pursue, but also rebalance. So 👍🏻
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@Simyer Thank you very much, you are probably right. Currently, the REITS are not yet so important. In a few years, however, they will most likely be weighted too high. Maybe I will then also look for 3 high dividended stocks instead of the REITS that pay differently to still get a high monthly cash flow. If I have 3 stocks here and they are from 3 different sectors, this issue would be at least a little more diversified. One must then just look at :)