
Comparison with US ETF

$QYLE (-3,21%) Hi, a question about the ETF. I once compared it with the one in the States and it performed much worse there. It also performed worse over the same period, does anyone know why?


5 Comentários

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It can't perform any better, it is a covered call ETF that does not trade shares from the index but call options on the index. It therefore does not benefit from positive price developments, the maximum return is limited and the focus is on regular small gains and steady cash flow. In years such as 2024, it always lags behind the "market"; in sideways markets or with only very moderate growth, the situation is different. If you want to participate in the performance of the NASDAQ100, then this is the wrong ETF. If you want regular cash flow, then it is the right choice
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@Dividendenopi perfect explanation
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I've already asked myself the same question. I suspect it's due to the exchange rate.

When I invested a large sum in this ETF on October 8 last year, the currency pair was 1€ = 1.10$. Yesterday or now it is not even 1€ = 1.03$.

Although I am up more than 11% with $QYLE (without the distributions, which are added on top), this is still not an 11% currency difference between October 8 and now.

Apart from that, I really can't help you, because this ETF is rather exotic and you get relatively little information about it
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It can perform better than the usa etf because it does not invest 100% in call options but only a certain percentage in call options and invests the rest normally
@Lola556611 Thank you very much for now. I already suspected that, but where did you get this information from?
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