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I would leave out the sector ETF and save the extra €200 in the MSCI World instead. Reason: you already have tech in the MSCI and also the Nasdaq100 (but I prefer a physical one) - so you don't really need the tech sector ETF any more. Quite apart from that, I don't really think much of sector ETFs.
@Dividenden-Sammler Thanks for your tip, as several people have suggested this I think I will do it. Would you leave out both India and the Tech ETF and shift into Msci World? So just 200 more in Nasdaq and Msci World?
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@profit_pilot_274 would leave the India ETF.
1. currently an interesting country to invest in - compared to China also a democracy like the industrialized countries; furthermore an economically emerging power in which the population is slowly becoming more prosperous and is also the most populous country in the world.
2. as a counterweight to the industrialized countries that you cover with the MSCI World. An alternative to the India ETF would be an EM ETF.
In terms of allocation, I would invest more in the MSCI World. Put €150 more into the MSCI World and the remaining €50 into the Nasdaq - at least that's how I would do it