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Your portfolio is very impressive. I have a question. I noticed that you haven't entered any trading costs or taxes. With your savings plans it is clear that they are free of charge, but you trade in high volumes even without savings plans and also have a very high win rate. Shouldn't there also be considerable taxes involved?
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@asset_whisperer_283 That's right, I actually track everything without taxes and fees. There are 2 reasons for this:

1. to compare myself with a benchmark, such as the MSCI World, it would be "unfair" if my performance included taxes and fees, while the benchmark is calculated without taxes and fees
2. of course I also like to compare with myself. While each trade cost just under €10 at the beginning, this has virtually gone to zero thanks to Trade Republic and the like. The same applies to taxes; here too, taxes can change again and again (e.g. exemption order €1,000 instead of €801 per year), which would also make a comparison over several years difficult.

Nevertheless, my fees and taxes are actually very low. I almost only buy via savings plans and very rarely sell anything. My fees are therefore probably less than €20 a year.
Because I don't sell much either, I naturally pay very little tax. I often sell positions that are in the red, which means that profits are always offset against my losses before taxes are due.

This leaves me with dividends. Here I have around €2,500 a year, minus the €1,000 exemption order, which leaves just under €1,500 to be taxed. With other income such as interest and the like, that's perhaps €2,000 per year. At 25%, that's about €500 a year in taxes.

So since both are rather low for me and due to the two points mentioned above, I always record everything without taxes and fees :)