
Hi folks,

I've been investing in ETFs since April 2020 and have always been very happy with them. The Core MSCI is doing what it should and the EM IMI is also slowly coming along, but I have paused the savings plan here due to a lack of performance. I included the gaming ETF as a test candidate at the time, but it is no longer being saved. The same applies to the smallest position, the $BLUE (-1,61%) .

Savings plans are therefore currently only running on Robotics and Core MSCI, as I see the greatest returns here.

What do you think of my portfolio? How do you see the future of EM IMI? In the long term, which is of course also quite boring, I'm betting on the Core and Robotics, but the EM IMI is positively quite large. I had thought about switching to the other 2.

Have a nice Sunday everyone ✌️$IWDA (-1,28%)
$RBOT (-2,56%)
$ESGB (-1,55%)
$EIMI (-1,09%)
$BLUE (-1,61%)

Vê o meu Painel agora!
11 Comentários

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For me, sector bets would be nothing. If I think a company is undervalued, I buy it directly. Otherwise, I personally stick to broad ETFs (World / EM or All World). I don't think you will outperform in the long term. The TER is usually higher there too. Otherwise: solidly positioned, of course you can do that.

But the question always remains: what is your goal and investment horizon?
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Investment horizon at least the next 25 years, of course as a retirement provision and possibly further investments in the house etc. . Regarding $RBOT: I somehow got stuck there :D
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@Poppinger91 I assume you are 32 years old. How big is your pension gap and when would you like to retire?
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Correct! :) With current earnings, the pension gap amounts to approx. 1400-1500€. When is a good question - depends on many factors, of course. In your early 60s would of course be great!
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@Poppinger91 then you will probably have to be able to cover the €1,400 gap for around 5 years from your assets.

Do you want to use up your capital (if so, how old do you think you will be?) or do you want to plan without using up your capital?

I always calculate with an inflation-adjusted doubling of the deposit every 10 years without deposits. Your 70k would therefore be worth around 560k. Of course, you have to take taxes on the profit when you withdraw it into account.
At 3% (perpetual withdrawal), 560k would actually correspond to exactly €1,400.
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@KevinC In this respect, you "only" have to get together the money for the approx. 5 years without income before retirement.
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@KevinC Talking about the tax is pointless in my opinion - nobody can realistically estimate what will happen in 30 years' time.
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@KevinC Hopefully it will look something like this 😃 Some unforeseen influences will certainly come into play, but this is the rough plan. Thank you for your detailed comment 👌👍
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The two cores are simply classics, you can't go wrong with them in the long term.
I don't think much of the rest.
If the performance isn't good enough for you, then it's better to build up a few satellites in the form of individual shares.
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I hold individual shares separately from ETFs in a second custody account. However, I feel more comfortable with ETFs, as stocks take up too much of my time, which I don't have...so my ETF/stock weighting is 80/20. Otherwise I had a lot of fun with the research etc., but unfortunately I no longer have the time.
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When you make sector bets with ETFs, the purpose of efts is simply to invest
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