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The Dow Jones Global Titans ETF somehow disturbs me a bit in your portfolio. You already have some of the shares as individual stocks in the portfolio. In addition, it overlaps so strongly with the World ETF. I would take out the Titans ETF and rather expand the health and pharmaceutical sector. Alternatively, China would also be an idea as an admixture (of course, you have to be aware of the risk). As an alternative ETF, take a look at $GGRP. Here, there is a strong focus on qualitative dividends with good growth.
@Mister_ultra would you sprinkle the health - pharma sector with individual DIV. Shares or rather also with an Etf ? About the alternative China I would have to think with times still. Thank you for the feedback
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@Felix_wgl Personally, I'm actually a bigger fan of individual stocks and have therefore put several in my portfolio. But if you want to cover a broad spectrum with one company, my tip would clearly be Johnson & Johnson. Together with Microsoft, it is the only company that even has a better credit rating than the US government, it is represented in both the pharmaceutical and medical technology sectors, and it is one of the dividend kings (dividend increased over 50 years).
@Mister_ultra okey $JNJ would be in any case a consideration thanks