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What's going on here at the moment with all the winning opportunities hahah :D
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@SharkAce I think you're a money shark
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@DonkeyInvestor yes, and from level 16 I become a loan shark

Ps the other post was deleted. So didn't see your reply :D
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@SharkAce I think they found money in a sofa seat in their hip Berlin loft office and are now kind enough to pass it on to us 🙏
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@KapriolenSonne Then let them look under the sofa... then there will soon be Netflix shares for the post👀
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@SharkAce If Netflix continues to crash like this, they will soon give out 10 Netflix shares for one post 🤡
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@KapriolenSonne Soon the Netflix subscription will be more expensive than the stock 👁👄👁
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@SharkAce I can't remember what it was about. When in doubt, I insulted you wildly. So no big deal 😁
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@DonkeyInvestor to the Community Manager 😂
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@SharkAce achso. then I was more likely to have insulted him wildly 😁
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