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I always find it interesting to see that developing countries want to receive aid from Germany, but don't want to talk about morality. They trade freely without morals with dictators who pump in money without talking. Out of charity, of course, and purely as humanitarian aid ;D. I would like to look on the bright side. Sometimes Germany is too good. Then let China, Russia and the like handle the humanitarian aid on their own.
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@Luffy3D2Y absolutely! But of course you also have to differentiate between economic transactions and development aid. In my opinion, development aid should also pay much more attention to morals, the environment, etc. If I pay development aid to a country, I want to be able to demand that it is used for renewable energies, for example. If I pay development aid to a country, I want to be able to demand that it is used for renewable energies, for example. But if I sell an economic good to a country and at the same time receive payment for it, I can't make the same demands as with money given as a gift.
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@Mister_ultra Not wrong, but it is often the case in countries that they need help, but when it comes to the economy, they want to see it separately. Then they should first help their country themselves and get it on its feet and then I agree with you. Trade is trade, but don't beg and whine about it on the one hand, but on the other hand you can't take any criticism.